Zip Codes for Vichy, MO 

We have 1 zip code, which includes directions and location information for Vichy, Missouri. We hope this information helps :)
The one zip code we have on record for Vichy is: 65580 .


Zip Code 1:65580
for Vichy in Missouri.
Average Household Income for 65580 from IRS Returns: $50,177.78

Congressional District for 65580: 2903

View your Representative for zip code 65580.

Vichy Zip code 65580 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
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Demographics for 65580
Land Acreage: 142556793
Water Acreage: 748755
Number of Houses: 413
Approximate Population: 829
Male Population: 429
Female Population: 400
Pop. Under 10: 101
Pop. 10 to 19: 99
Pop. 20 to 29: 58
Pop. 30 to 39: 87
Pop. 40 to 49: 127
Pop. 50 to 59: 126
Pop. 60 to 69: 120
Pop. 70 to 79: 79
Pop 80 and up: 32

Skip to Roads in 65580 beginning with:

Streets (42) in zip code: 65580


- Go back to: 65580 - or here for the top
400-899 AIRPORT DR


- Go back to: 65580 - or here for the top
34100-34199 FERLINE


- Go back to: 65580 - or here for the top


- Go back to: 65580 - or here for the top
10700-13999 HIGHWAY 28
13800-17699 HIGHWAY 63
20300-22699 HIGHWAY 68
14400-17799 HIGHWAY A
14100-15899 HIGHWAY FF
20000-21499 HIGHWAY P


- Go back to: 65580 - or here for the top
16800-16899 MARIES COUNTY ROAD 440
20400-20799 MARIES COUNTY ROAD 444
10700-11199 MARIES ROAD 320
19600-19999 MARIES ROAD 321
11000-12599 MARIES ROAD 322
11300-12199 MARIES ROAD 419
21300-21599 MARIES ROAD 420
14700-17799 MARIES ROAD 440
15600-17199 MARIES ROAD 442
2400-20999 MARIES ROAD 443
20200-22299 MARIES ROAD 444
11400-14599 MARIES ROAD 449
22000-22799 MARIES ROAD 450
20700-21599 MARIES ROAD 451
11600-14099 MARIES ROAD 452
20400-20499 MARIES ROAD 453
21000-21099 MARIES ROAD 464
16300-16499 MARIES ROAD 471
13600-14899 MARIES ROAD 516
14501-15999 MARIES ROAD 517
14700-15299 MARIES ROAD 518
15600-18299 MARIES ROAD 519
14700-14799 MARIES ROAD 520
15600-17999 MARIES ROAD 521
17800-17999 MARIES ROAD 522
15900-17199 MARIES ROAD 523
15900-16699 MARIES ROAD 524
15900-15999 MARIES ROAD 527
19600-19899 MARIES ROAD 528
20000-20099 MARIES ROAD 539


- Go back to: 65580 - or here for the top
15500-15699 PRIVATE ROAD 469
15900-15999 PRIVATE ROAD 470