Zip Codes for Raiford, FL 

We have 1 zip code, which includes directions and location information for Raiford, Florida. We hope this information helps :)
The one zip code we have on record for Raiford is: 32083 .


Zip Code 1:32083
for Raiford in Florida.
Average Household Income for 32083 from IRS Returns: $25,422.81

Congressional District for 32083: 1203

View your Representative for zip code 32083.

Raiford Zip code 32083 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
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Demographics for 32083
Land Acreage: 103884003
Water Acreage: 518407
Number of Houses: 604
Approximate Population: 4690
Male Population: 4016
Female Population: 674
Pop. Under 10: 210
Pop. 10 to 19: 238
Pop. 20 to 29: 814
Pop. 30 to 39: 823
Pop. 40 to 49: 701
Pop. 50 to 59: 1096
Pop. 60 to 69: 618
Pop. 70 to 79: 154
Pop 80 and up: 36

Skip to Roads in 32083 beginning with:
1 2 7 8 A C G P S

Streets (80) in zip code: 32083


- Go back to: 32083 - or here for the top
23400-23499 112TH TRL
22600-22699 115TH DR
23700-23799 116TH PATH
22501-22699 117TH WAY
22600-22799 118TH TRL
22300-23499 119TH DR
23200-23299 120TH WAY
22800-23699 123RD PATH
22300-22399 124TH TER
22100-22199 126TH WAY
21800-23799 127TH ST
22900-23899 130TH TER
23000-23199 131ST WAY
22200-22799 133RD WAY
13400-23399 134TH PATH
24700-24899 135TH TER
22900-25399 136TH DR
25200-25499 137TH TRL
25500-26199 138TH TRL
25000-25299 139TH TER
22200-22799 140TH WAY
22500-22599 146TH WAY
22600-22699 147TH TRL
14800-22699 148TH PATH
22100-22599 149TH ST
21900-21999 150TH TRL
26200-26299 153RD WAY
22000-22199 154TH WAY
24200-25198 157TH ST
26200-26499 164TH TRL
23700-23899 167TH PATH
24600-25199 170TH TER
24000-24999 171ST TRL


- Go back to: 32083 - or here for the top
12200-12299 213TH CT
12400-12999 216TH PL
12300-12499 218TH CT
12800-12899 220TH PL
12700-22299 221ST LOOP
11800-14899 222ND RD
12000-13799 223RD LN
12800-12999 224TH PL
12900-12999 225TH LN
12900-12999 226TH CT
12700-22999 227TH LOOP
7600-7899 228TH ST
13000-13499 230TH CT
12500-13399 231ST LN
13200-13299 232ND PL
12400-13499 233RD PL
11900-13799 235TH PL
13400-13499 236TH CT
8100-12799 237TH CT
13400-13599 238TH LN
13300-17199 239TH RUN
13400-13499 240TH CT
16900-17099 242ND LN
24800-24899 247TH LOOP
8400-8499 248TH ST
13700-13799 250TH LN
13500-13699 251ST LOOP
13400-14199 253RD RUN
13500-13599 254TH LN
25600-25799 256TH LOOP
13500-13899 258TH CT
13600-13699 259TH PL
13500-15399 261ST CIR
13700-26199 262ND LOOP
15500-15699 263RD LN
15200-16699 264TH LN


- Go back to: 32083 - or here for the top
22500-22799 77TH AVE


- Go back to: 32083 - or here for the top
23900-23999 83RD AVE


- Go back to: 32083 - or here for the top
23700-23798 ALLARELI


- Go back to: 32083 - or here for the top
24500-27099 COUNTY ROAD 125
13600-15699 COUNTY ROAD 199
11500-15199 COUNTY ROAD 229
11200-22599 COUNTY ROAD 793


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- Go back to: 32083 - or here for the top


- Go back to: 32083 - or here for the top
12100-16999 STATE ROAD 121
23700-25699 STATE ROAD 16