Zip Codes for Palisade, MN 

We have 1 zip code, which includes directions and location information for Palisade, Minnesota. We hope this information helps :)
The one zip code we have on record for Palisade is: 56469 .


Zip Code 1:56469
for Palisade in Minnesota.
Average Household Income for 56469 from IRS Returns: $60,117.65

Congressional District for 56469: 2708

View your Representative for zip code 56469.

Palisade Zip code 56469 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
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Demographics for 56469
Land Acreage: 708522682
Water Acreage: 18796155
Number of Houses: 1199
Approximate Population: 998
Male Population: 522
Female Population: 476
Pop. Under 10: 101
Pop. 10 to 19: 99
Pop. 20 to 29: 59
Pop. 30 to 39: 96
Pop. 40 to 49: 128
Pop. 50 to 59: 173
Pop. 60 to 69: 172
Pop. 70 to 79: 116
Pop 80 and up: 54

Skip to Roads in 56469 beginning with:
2 3 4 5 C F G M N O P U W

Streets (91) in zip code: 56469


- Go back to: 56469 - or here for the top
47500-47699 255TH PL
48000-58599 270TH AVE
56500-56599 275TH AVE
50100-50899 280TH AVE
48100-48999 285TH PL
47500-50499 290TH PL
50900-50999 291ST PL
43800-43899 299TH PL


- Go back to: 56469 - or here for the top
42800-43299 301ST AVE
42700-42899 303RD PL
43200-43499 308TH PL
43200-43899 309TH PL
42900-46599 310TH AVE
48100-48299 312TH PL
44100-44899 317TH PL
48400-59099 320TH PL
42900-43199 325TH PL
42700-42799 328TH PL
42800-44299 330TH AVE
47500-49699 334TH PL
46100-47299 340TH PL
49600-49699 350TH PL
49300-49699 358TH PL
49200-49299 359TH PL
50000-50299 364TH PL
47400-47799 367TH PL
49000-49799 372ND PL
48800-49499 373RD PL
48000-48699 377TH PL
48000-48199 382ND PL
48600-48699 384TH PL
49400-49599 385TH PL
48800-49399 386TH PL
49200-49799 397TH PL
49100-49199 398TH PL
50100-51199 399TH PL


- Go back to: 56469 - or here for the top
48400-49199 400TH PL
49200-49299 404TH PL
49000-50299 405TH PL
30300-32999 427TH ST
30800-30999 429TH LN
31000-31199 430TH LN
31100-31199 432ND LN
30600-32599 435TH LN
27600-29899 438TH LN
29300-29999 442ND LN
31900-31999 443RD LN
31000-37099 450TH ST
30200-31799 460TH LN
35600-35699 464TH LN
35400-35499 469TH LN
30300-32999 470TH ST
39100-39199 477TH LN
30100-30299 478TH LN
25100-38999 480TH ST
27000-37999 485TH LN
28500-38599 486TH LN
28000-43299 489TH ST
31400-37099 490TH LN
38700-38999 491ST LN
35900-36099 492ND LN
35600-35699 493RD LN
37500-49299 495TH LN
38000-38999 496TH LN
39400-39499 497TH LN
34400-39499 498TH ST
30200-30299 499TH LN


- Go back to: 56469 - or here for the top
34300-36799 500TH LN
40000-41099 502ND LN
40600-40699 504TH LN
39000-39299 506TH LN
39700-40999 509TH LN
27900-35199 510TH ST
36400-36699 525TH LN
35900-39699 540TH LN
27200-38599 560TH ST
24900-24999 578TH LN
25300-25499 590TH ST
300-399 5TH AVE


- Go back to: 56469 - or here for the top
200-499 COOK ST


- Go back to: 56469 - or here for the top
27000-27099 FAWN LN


- Go back to: 56469 - or here for the top
30100-59099 GREAT RIVER RD
27400-27699 GROUSE ST
35800-41099 GROVE ST


- Go back to: 56469 - or here for the top
300-399 MAIN ST


- Go back to: 56469 - or here for the top
30700-55199 NATURE AVE


- Go back to: 56469 - or here for the top
39000-53899 OSPREY AVE


- Go back to: 56469 - or here for the top


- Go back to: 56469 - or here for the top
44600-56199 US HIGHWAY 169


- Go back to: 56469 - or here for the top
300-499 WRIGHT ST