Zip Codes for Mecca, CA 

We have 1 zip code, which includes directions and location information for Mecca, California. We hope this information helps :)
The one zip code we have on record for Mecca is: 92254 .


Zip Code 1:92254
for Mecca in California.
Congressional District for 92254: 0636

View your Representative for zip code 92254.

Mecca Zip code 92254 On Google Maps
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Demographics for 92254
Land Acreage: 120923509
Water Acreage: 6013858
Number of Houses: 3093
Approximate Population: 12768
Male Population: 6702
Female Population: 6066
Pop. Under 10: 2908
Pop. 10 to 19: 2593
Pop. 20 to 29: 2199
Pop. 30 to 39: 1619
Pop. 40 to 49: 1578
Pop. 50 to 59: 1061
Pop. 60 to 69: 472
Pop. 70 to 79: 246
Pop 80 and up: 92

Skip to Roads in 92254 beginning with:
2 4 6 7 A B C D E F G H J K L M N O P R S T V W Y

Streets (135) in zip code: 92254


- Go back to: 92254 - or here for the top
91300-91399 2ND ST


- Go back to: 92254 - or here for the top
91100-91199 4TH ST


- Go back to: 92254 - or here for the top
90300-91299 63RD AVE
91100-91199 64TH AVE
90400-91999 66TH AVE
91500-98999 68TH AVE
92200-98999 69TH AVE


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90100-100098 70TH AVE
93600-93799 71ST AVE
10000-100399 72ND AVE
100000-100199 73RD AVE
91000-91499 7TH ST


- Go back to: 92254 - or here for the top
99000-99299 ACCESS RD
98800-98998 ADMIRALTY WAY
99000-99298 ALBATROSS WAY
69100-69199 ANCHOR CIR


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72100-72799 BARNACLE DR
99000-99398 BAY DR
68300-69399 BEACHCOMBER DR
72000-72599 BEACON ST
72400-72899 BEAM DR
98300-98999 BOUNTY AVE


- Go back to: 92254 - or here for the top
68600-98999 CABANA CIR
91601-91799 CALLE BECERRA
65000-65199 CALLE RAMOS
65000-65199 CALLE SILVA
65000-65199 CALLE SOR JUANA
91100-91299 CIELO CT
71201-71299 CINNA CIR
72000-99499 CLUB VIEW DR
65200-65299 COAHUILLA ST
71800-71899 COMMERCE ST
100000-100199 COMPASS DR
70200-99899 CONCHELLA DR
99000-99499 CORAL REEF DR
99000-99298 CORVINA DR
68000-69499 COSTA MESA DR
69200-69499 CUTTER WAY


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65000-65099 DALE KILER ST
73500-73699 DAMASCUS AVE
65100-65199 DATE PALM AVE
73500-73999 DAYTONA AVE
73900-104599 DESERT AIRE DR
99200-99498 DOLPHIN DR
65000-65499 DONOVAN CIR


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100300-100399 EBB DR
65200-65499 ELAINE CIR
65600-65899 EMILIA WAY


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72200-72599 FANTAIL AVE
65000-65199 FERNANDO CIR
99000-99499 FLAMINGO DR
91000-91199 FUSHIA CT


- Go back to: 92254 - or here for the top
100000-100199 GALLEY DR
91000-91199 GARDENIA CT
70100-70199 GARFIELD AVE
62100-62699 GENE WELMAS WAY
65000-65199 GLORIA CIR
98800-98999 GRANADA WAY
68000-68099 GRANT ST


- Go back to: 92254 - or here for the top
68000-68299 HALYARD DR
93400-93898 HAMMOND RD
70100-71798 HARBOR DR
72100-72199 HELM CIR
10501-101299 HIGHWAY 111
65000-65199 HOME AVE


- Go back to: 92254 - or here for the top
68700-68799 JIBB CIR
65700-67399 JOHNSON ST


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91700-91999 KATHERINE DR


- Go back to: 92254 - or here for the top
69400-98899 LA CASA WAY
91000-91199 LAS FLORES WAY
91100-91299 LAS SERENAS WAY
64000-64399 LAS SONRISAS WAY
72100-72499 LEEWARD DR
68500-98899 LIGHTHOUSE RD
62500-72198 LINCOLN ST
99000-99499 LOOKOUT DR
91000-91199 LUNARIA CT


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65000-65199 MARIO CIR
156800-156898 MEADERIC DR
73600-73698 MECCA AVE
70200-71399 MIRAMAR DR
64000-64399 MIRAVILLA WAY
91700-91999 MONTENEGRO DR
73601-73999 MORRACO AVE


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92400-92799 NATIONAL AVE
70300-71299 NEPTUNE DR


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72400-72999 OUTRIGGER DR


- Go back to: 92254 - or here for the top
73500-73899 PALM AVE
70801-71399 PALM ISLAND DR
65200-65499 PALOMARES CIR
101900-101998 PARADISE IS
101100-101999 PARKSIDE DR
72100-72299 PILOT DR
98100-99498 PLEASANT VIEW DR
91700-91999 PLONSKI RD
100000-100199 PORT CIR


- Go back to: 92254 - or here for the top
91600-91999 REBECCA RD
68300-69399 REGATTA DR
100000-100799 ROCKY POINT DR


- Go back to: 92254 - or here for the top
98800-98899 SAIL CIR
70201-71298 SALTON VIEW DR
69000-69399 SCHOONER WAY
101001-103299 SEA BREEZE DR
68600-68799 SEA CREST WAY
70300-71299 SEA GULL DR
70000-99199 SEA VIEW WAY
100100-100299 SEAHORSE DR
98500-98999 SEASCAPE AVE
72200-72599 SHELL DR
71100-71199 SHIELA CIR
72200-72599 SHOAL DR
70200-70799 SHORE DR
72300-72398 SPAR CIR
68000-68499 SPINNAKER WAY
100201-100299 STATE PARK RD
72301-72399 SUNFISH LN
98500-98998 SURFSIDE AVE


- Go back to: 92254 - or here for the top
91700-91899 TERESA WAY
65200-65499 THELMA CIR
99600-99799 TRIPOLI DR


- Go back to: 92254 - or here for the top
68201-91199 VANDERVEER RD
99000-99499 VIA COSTA BRAVA
74200-74298 VIA MIRAGE
74000-74799 VIA OCOTILLO
74200-75499 VIA VERBENA
91100-91299 VISTA CT


- Go back to: 92254 - or here for the top
70900-70999 WHEELER ST
72100-72999 WINDLASS DR
65000-65399 WOLFF DR


- Go back to: 92254 - or here for the top
98100-98999 YAWL AVE