Zip Codes for Mc Alpin, FL 

We have 1 zip code, which includes directions and location information for Mc Alpin, Florida. We hope this information helps :)
The one zip code we have on record for Mc Alpin is: 32062 .


Zip Code 1:32062
for Mc Alpin in Florida.
Average Household Income for 32062 from IRS Returns: $52,523.01

Congressional District for 32062: 1202

View your Representative for zip code 32062.

Mc Alpin Zip code 32062 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
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Demographics for 32062
Land Acreage: 159730503
Water Acreage: 3607
Number of Houses: 1151
Approximate Population: 2449
Male Population: 1252
Female Population: 1197
Pop. Under 10: 278
Pop. 10 to 19: 330
Pop. 20 to 29: 223
Pop. 30 to 39: 238
Pop. 40 to 49: 322
Pop. 50 to 59: 358
Pop. 60 to 69: 367
Pop. 70 to 79: 235
Pop 80 and up: 98

Skip to Roads in 32062 beginning with:
1 2 5 6 7 8 9 C G P S U

Streets (77) in zip code: 32062


- Go back to: 32062 - or here for the top
18491-19299 101ST PL
14200-19199 105TH RD
13800-17599 109TH DR
10901-15999 111TH PL
16800-18399 113TH RD
16000-18299 115TH PASS
14600-17299 117TH PL
16800-19799 119TH PL
11700-19699 121ST RD
15600-15799 123RD DR
16800-17599 125TH RD
16000-16399 127TH DR
13100-19199 129TH DR
16000-16399 137TH DR
16200-16299 139TH DR
15800-18199 141ST RD
10300-13899 142ND ST
10900-11699 144TH ST
14300-17299 145TH RD
10500-10599 148TH PATH
16000-16399 149TH RD
10100-11299 150TH ST
15800-16099 155TH CT
10900-17399 156TH ST
15800-16899 157TH PL
12100-16099 158TH TER
10300-18899 160TH PL
15600-16399 161ST RD
11700-16899 162ND ST
16800-17599 163RD PL
12900-16499 164TH ST
16400-16799 167TH PL
8100-17699 168TH ST
15600-16799 169TH PL
8900-16199 170TH PL
16800-17299 171ST RD
8100-12899 172ND PL
14600-15599 173RD RD
5700-6499 174TH ST
16000-17399 175TH RD
6100-15599 176TH ST
6500-9699 178TH ST
15200-15999 179TH RD
4700-18699 180TH ST
7700-18099 182ND ST
8500-18499 184TH ST
16000-16799 185TH RD
8500-9199 186TH TER
5300-13699 188TH ST
15200-15999 189TH RD
8100-8899 190TH ST
5500-8099 192ND ST
8700-12099 196TH ST


- Go back to: 32062 - or here for the top
7500-8899 200TH ST


- Go back to: 32062 - or here for the top
17400-17999 53RD RD
17000-17099 55TH PL
19100-19899 57TH RD


- Go back to: 32062 - or here for the top
18000-19199 61ST RD
16500-18199 65TH RD
18000-18799 69TH DR


- Go back to: 32062 - or here for the top
17000-18999 73RD PL
18000-18999 75TH PL
17400-19999 77TH PL


- Go back to: 32062 - or here for the top
16800-19199 81ST RD
17000-19999 89TH RD


- Go back to: 32062 - or here for the top
9100-19299 91ST RD
17600-17913 95TH DR
18400-19599 97TH DR
14600-18399 99TH LN


- Go back to: 32062 - or here for the top
5300-7999 CENTRAL RD
11300-18899 COUNTY ROAD 252
15000-17699 COUNTY ROAD 349
17600-19199 COUNTY ROAD 49


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- Go back to: 32062 - or here for the top


- Go back to: 32062 - or here for the top
29900-29998 SALTONGE ST


- Go back to: 32062 - or here for the top
14701-19599 US HIGHWAY 129