Zip Codes for Loraine, IL 

We have 1 zip code, which includes directions and location information for Loraine, Illinois. We hope this information helps :)
The one zip code we have on record for Loraine is: 62349 .


Zip Code 1:62349
for Loraine in Illinois.
Average Household Income for 62349 from IRS Returns: $54,172.41

Congressional District for 62349: 1718

View your Representative for zip code 62349.

Loraine Zip code 62349 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
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Demographics for 62349
Land Acreage: 114840001
Water Acreage: 463033
Number of Houses: 296
Approximate Population: 636
Male Population: 315
Female Population: 321
Pop. Under 10: 84
Pop. 10 to 19: 88
Pop. 20 to 29: 51
Pop. 30 to 39: 55
Pop. 40 to 49: 94
Pop. 50 to 59: 104
Pop. 60 to 69: 100
Pop. 70 to 79: 37
Pop 80 and up: 23

Skip to Roads in 62349 beginning with:
1 2 3 A B C D E G H L M N O P Q R S W

Streets (65) in zip code: 62349


- Go back to: 62349 - or here for the top
2800-2899 1100TH ST
2900-2999 1150TH ST
2800-2999 1250TH ST
2500-2598 1300TH ST
2701-2998 1400TH ST
2900-2999 1450TH ST
2500-2899 1500TH ST
1500-1598 1550TH AVE
2501-2999 1600TH ST
2800-2898 1613TH ST
2650-2680 1650TH ST
2700-2799 1700TH ST
2800-2999 1750TH ST
2600-2899 1850TH ST
2901-2999 1960TH ST


- Go back to: 62349 - or here for the top
2500-2999 2000TH ST
2501-2599 2050TH ST
2900-2999 2100TH ST
1301-1399 2475TH AVE
1400-1598 2500TH AVE
1900-1998 2550TH AVE
1400-1498 2575TH PL
1300-1398 2603RD LN
1300-1999 2700TH AVE
2001-2099 2750TH AVE
1101-1598 2753RD LN
1200-1999 2800TH AVE
1201-1699 2850TH AVE
1300-2098 2900TH AVE
1600-1698 2903RD LN


- Go back to: 62349 - or here for the top
1300-1998 3000TH AVE


- Go back to: 62349 - or here for the top
201-799 ADAMS ST


- Go back to: 62349 - or here for the top
113-499 BROAD ST


- Go back to: 62349 - or here for the top
100-1298 CENTER ST
101-199 CHURCH ST
1400-1998 COUNTY ROAD 0
2-98 COUNTY ROAD 1160
1-99 COUNTY ROAD 1300
2-98 COUNTY ROAD 1380
100-299 CURLESS ST


- Go back to: 62349 - or here for the top
300-399 DABNEY ST
201-498 DOUGLAS ST


- Go back to: 62349 - or here for the top
601-699 ECHOLS ST


- Go back to: 62349 - or here for the top


- Go back to: 62349 - or here for the top
201-499 HEDRICK ST
2501-2699 HIGHWAY 336
1400-2099 HIGHWAY 61
401-499 HOME ST


- Go back to: 62349 - or here for the top
401-898 LAGOON RD
200-298 LONG ST


- Go back to: 62349 - or here for the top
101-699 MAIN ST


- Go back to: 62349 - or here for the top
201-299 NORTH ST


- Go back to: 62349 - or here for the top
100-698 OAK ST


- Go back to: 62349 - or here for the top
400-598 PAULTON ST


- Go back to: 62349 - or here for the top
401-499 QUINCY ST


- Go back to: 62349 - or here for the top
100-198 RANDLES ST


- Go back to: 62349 - or here for the top
300-499 SHADY RD
201-299 SHORT ST
100-199 SOUTH ST
4400-4498 STRISONG ST


- Go back to: 62349 - or here for the top
601-699 WEST ST
301-799 WITT ST