Zip Codes for Lawtey, FL 

We have 1 zip code, which includes directions and location information for Lawtey, Florida. We hope this information helps :)
The one zip code we have on record for Lawtey is: 32058 .


Zip Code 1:32058
for Lawtey in Florida.
Average Household Income for 32058 from IRS Returns: $45,202.96

Congressional District for 32058: 1203

View your Representative for zip code 32058.

Lawtey Zip code 32058 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
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Demographics for 32058
Land Acreage: 186872679
Water Acreage: 15438
Number of Houses: 1541
Approximate Population: 4416
Male Population: 2578
Female Population: 1838
Pop. Under 10: 434
Pop. 10 to 19: 518
Pop. 20 to 29: 655
Pop. 30 to 39: 660
Pop. 40 to 49: 722
Pop. 50 to 59: 676
Pop. 60 to 69: 434
Pop. 70 to 79: 213
Pop 80 and up: 104

Skip to Roads in 32058 beginning with:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A B C F G J L M O P R T U W

Streets (150) in zip code: 32058


- Go back to: 32058 - or here for the top
21400-27999 10TH AVE
1100-21899 11TH AVE
23400-28499 12TH AVE
22800-23999 138TH AVE
21300-23299 13TH LN
19400-21599 14TH AVE
27200-27299 160TH WAY
27300-27399 162ND DR
26200-27899 168TH ST
20700-21799 17TH AVE
1-2599 190TH ST
800-1399 196TH ST
4300-4499 199TH ST
2600-22999 1ST ST


- Go back to: 32058 - or here for the top
800-6599 200TH ST
2700-3099 201ST ST
2300-5999 203RD ST
2000-2699 204TH ST
2600-7699 205TH ST
3800-4199 207TH ST
2300-2899 208TH ST
1700-4199 209TH ST
19600-21399 20TH LN
2300-8699 210TH ST
5500-5799 211TH ST
1700-1799 212TH ST
700-21599 213TH AVE
3500-3599 215TH ST
400-5999 216TH ST
1700-21799 217TH ST
500-799 218TH ST
700-5599 219TH ST
25100-25199 21ST WAY
21900-22199 220TH ST
5900-6099 221ST WAY
4500-4699 222ND ST
500-22999 223RD ST
5100-5399 224TH ST
6100-6199 226TH WAY
600-999 227TH ST
2900-3199 228TH ST
2700-2799 229TH ST
23300-25299 22ND AVE
2300-6099 230TH ST
5500-5599 231ST ST
3600-3899 232ND ST
2800-5499 233RD ST
5700-6499 234TH ST
2500-2699 235TH ST
1000-1499 236TH ST
5700-5799 237TH ST
2200-5799 238TH ST
3800-4399 239TH TER
2301-2399 240TH WAY
1200-6599 241ST DR
1300-1499 243RD ST
1200-1899 246TH ST
100-2599 247TH ST
2300-22498 24TH AVE
1200-1299 250TH ST
1100-3299 251ST ST
6800-6899 253RD ST
500-7299 257TH ST
23300-24199 25TH AVE
6600-17599 261ST ST
6600-16799 262ND ST
7100-7199 263RD WAY
100-16799 264TH ST
200-1299 265TH ST
5500-6999 267TH ST
15900-16299 269TH LN
2600-22499 26TH PL
200-26499 271ST WAY
22800-23399 27TH AVE
100-1199 280TH ST
1200-2199 283RD ST
24800-25099 28TH AVE
20500-29099 29TH AVE
22500-22699 2ND ST


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2900-23299 30TH LN
20500-23399 31ST AVE
3400-23499 32ND LN
23100-23299 33RD PL
22700-22799 34TH AVE
20900-21599 35TH AVE
23400-23499 37TH PL
20500-23999 38TH AVE
22500-22599 3RD ST


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23400-23499 40TH AVE
20700-23199 41ST AVE
23500-23699 42ND AVE
21000-24299 43RD AVE
21900-22899 44TH AVE
21000-21199 45TH AVE
22400-22499 47TH LN
21100-21399 49TH AVE
22300-22599 4TH ST


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21000-24044 50TH AVE
21100-23199 51ST LN
20900-21199 52ND AVE
21000-23199 53RD AVE
20700-20799 54TH LN
20900-21599 55TH AVE
22100-22799 57TH AVE
22500-26799 59TH LN
22300-22699 5TH ST


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22400-24099 60TH AVE
21900-22999 61ST AVE
5700-7099 62ND AVE
22500-24199 63RD AVE
26200-26399 66TH AVE
26000-26099 68TH PL
22800-24199 6TH AVE


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18900-20198 71ST AVE
23400-24999 7TH AVE


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21300-21499 8TH AVE


- Go back to: 32058 - or here for the top
1700-1999 ADAMS ST


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22800-22999 BRANDON RD
1200-1299 BROWN RD


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1000-1499 CARTER RD
100-27399 COUNTY ROAD 125
20800-23999 COUNTY ROAD 200A
21100-22699 COUNTY ROAD 200B
200-6599 COUNTY ROAD 225
22600-24099 COUNTY ROAD 225A
1400-1599 CRAPSE DR


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1600-1699 FORD DR


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23900-24799 GROVE ST


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1700-2299 JACKSON ST
1800-1899 JEFFERSON ST
1100-1399 JONES LN


- Go back to: 32058 - or here for the top
2150-2999 LAKE ST
1100-11199 LEE AVE
22600-23099 LYNWOOD AVE


- Go back to: 32058 - or here for the top
1600-2098 MADISON ST
1400-1799 MAIN ST
1500-1699 MCKINLEY DR
1800-1899 MONROE ST


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22800-23099 OLIVE ST


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22300-22799 PARK ST
1400-1899 PAUL LN
22400-22799 PINE ST
43600-43698 PLERNERN ST


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- Go back to: 32058 - or here for the top
1700-2099 TRUMAN DR


- Go back to: 32058 - or here for the top
1200-27699 US HIGHWAY 301


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