Zip Codes for Lamar, OK 

We have 1 zip code, which includes directions and location information for Lamar, Oklahoma. We hope this information helps :)
The one zip code we have on record for Lamar is: 74850 .


Zip Code 1:74850
for Lamar in Oklahoma.
Average Household Income for 74850 from IRS Returns: $42,836.36

Congressional District for 74850: 4002

View your Representative for zip code 74850.

Lamar Zip code 74850 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location:

Demographics for 74850
Land Acreage: 149371719
Water Acreage: 1651541
Number of Houses: 153
Approximate Population: 283
Male Population: 143
Female Population: 140
Pop. Under 10: 34
Pop. 10 to 19: 35
Pop. 20 to 29: 26
Pop. 30 to 39: 33
Pop. 40 to 49: 32
Pop. 50 to 59: 52
Pop. 60 to 69: 39
Pop. 70 to 79: 16
Pop 80 and up: 16

Skip to Roads in 74850 beginning with:
1 3 B C D E G J L M P R W

Streets (34) in zip code: 74850


- Go back to: 74850 - or here for the top
8900-8999 127 RD
8800-8999 128 RD
9000-9099 1283 RD
8900-8999 129 RD
9100-9199 130 RD
8700-9199 131 RD
8600-9099 132 RD
8100-8799 133 RD
8200-8899 134 RD


- Go back to: 74850 - or here for the top
3200-3299 382 RD
3200-3799 387 RD
2900-3399 388 RD
3300-3399 3880 RD
2600-2999 389 RD
2600-2899 390 RD
2600-2999 391 RD
3000-3199 3915 RD


- Go back to: 74850 - or here for the top
8600-8699 BELLE ST
8600-8699 BROADWAY


- Go back to: 74850 - or here for the top
3200-8699 CARTER


- Go back to: 74850 - or here for the top
8700-8799 D 1277 RD
9000-9199 D 1320 RD
8500-8599 D 1330 RD


- Go back to: 74850 - or here for the top
3200-3299 ELM
8900-8999 EW 130


- Go back to: 74850 - or here for the top
13700-13799 GENCENW RD


- Go back to: 74850 - or here for the top
201-86899 JEFFERSON


- Go back to: 74850 - or here for the top
3200-8699 LOCUST


- Go back to: 74850 - or here for the top
3200-3299 MAIN


- Go back to: 74850 - or here for the top
3200-3299 PINE
8600-8699 POWELL ST


- Go back to: 74850 - or here for the top
8600-8699 REED


- Go back to: 74850 - or here for the top
3200-32399 WALNUT
3200-8699 WASHINGTON