Zip Codes for Lake Butler, FL 

We have 1 zip code, which includes directions and location information for Lake Butler, Florida. We hope this information helps :)
The one zip code we have on record for Lake Butler is: 32054 .


Zip Code 1:32054
for Lake Butler in Florida.
Average Household Income for 32054 from IRS Returns: $51,425.76

Congressional District for 32054: 1203

View your Representative for zip code 32054.

Lake Butler Zip code 32054 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
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Demographics for 32054
Land Acreage: 554423280
Water Acreage: 15461044
Number of Houses: 3924
Approximate Population: 12307
Male Population: 7444
Female Population: 4863
Pop. Under 10: 1364
Pop. 10 to 19: 1554
Pop. 20 to 29: 2040
Pop. 30 to 39: 1836
Pop. 40 to 49: 1934
Pop. 50 to 59: 1710
Pop. 60 to 69: 1113
Pop. 70 to 79: 533
Pop 80 and up: 223

Skip to Roads in 32054 beginning with:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C G L M P S T V

Streets (200) in zip code: 32054


- Go back to: 32054 - or here for the top
900-21699 100TH RD
5000-18399 101ST TRL
3500-9799 102ND LN
3600-13899 103RD LN
4700-51599 105TH AVE
4300-10698 106TH LOOP
4500-14499 107TH DR
4100-21099 108TH PL
4100-17999 109TH TRL
1-799 10TH AVE
4600-21299 110TH AVE
4000-18999 111TH WAY
3900-15799 112TH TRL
4000-20599 113TH WAY
4600-4699 114TH LN
4300-8299 115TH RUN
6200-7999 116TH LN
4800-21499 117TH TER
8000-20899 118TH TER
4300-20999 119TH TRL
1-799 11TH AVE
3800-20499 120TH WAY
6000-20899 121ST WAY
3600-20898 122ND AVE
3700-19699 124TH CT
3600-18199 125TH TRL
6100-8199 126TH AVE
18700-19399 127TH AVE
5100-12899 128TH ST
5100-10099 129TH AVE
1-1299 12TH AVE
18700-19299 130TH PL
5200-19699 131ST RD
7201-19899 132ND AVE
8900-19099 133RD AVE
4300-19399 134TH AVE
9200-19699 135TH LN
4600-7199 136TH TRL
4400-19599 137TH RD
4700-10599 138TH TER
4300-10599 139TH TER
500-599 13TH ST
4500-11199 140TH PATH
4000-9199 141ST PATH
4200-8799 142ND WAY
4300-10999 143RD CT
7500-9099 144TH LN
9000-9099 145TH PL
8600-10299 146TH LN
9000-11399 147TH TRL
8700-10399 148TH WAY
5000-12199 149TH TRL
400-599 14TH ST
4600-15499 150TH AVE
8900-9999 151ST CT
6600-9399 152ND CT
7000-9799 153RD DR
6600-15499 154TH LN
7300-9798 155TH RD
9700-15799 156TH TER
6600-10399 157TH WAY
7400-10399 158TH TRL
5800-6499 159TH CT
10000-12599 160TH ST
6300-6499 161ST LN
5500-8699 162ND CT
7200-8799 163RD LN
8400-9599 164TH CT
5200-5399 165TH LN
8600-8799 166TH PL
7500-8199 169TH LN
9900-13599 179TH ST
10700-11399 181ST ST
11000-11099 183RD CT
11300-13099 185TH LN
9000-9999 186TH PL
11500-11799 188TH CT
7300-7499 191ST LN
7000-15399 194TH WAY
11800-19299 195TH AVE
11700-11899 197TH PL
11900-17899 198TH ST
1-1399 1ST AVE


- Go back to: 32054 - or here for the top
8600-8699 200TH PL
8100-12699 201ST ST
8100-12599 202ND ST
8700-12299 204TH ST
8300-8699 205TH AVE
8600-8699 206TH LN
10300-20899 207TH CT
11801-11899 208TH LN
11200-12899 209TH AVE
10500-21599 213TH ST
9400-9999 214TH ST
9900-9999 215TH WAY
1-9599 2ND AVE


- Go back to: 32054 - or here for the top
8500-8599 31ST LN
8500-8599 32ND PL
8800-8899 34TH PL
6700-12299 36TH AVE
9100-11999 37TH CT
3800-10299 38TH WAY
3500-12799 39TH PL
1-1899 3RD ST


- Go back to: 32054 - or here for the top
6800-10499 40TH WAY
7000-7099 41ST LN
7600-12699 42ND PL
8500-14099 43RD PL
6600-12299 44TH LN
8200-12199 45TH WAY
7000-12499 46TH TRL
4800-9999 47TH TRL
8100-15299 48TH AVE
7900-14199 49TH LN
1-1398 4TH ST


- Go back to: 32054 - or here for the top
6900-12399 50TH WAY
5900-14599 51ST DR
5200-14399 52ND LN
5700-16599 53RD ST
6500-16599 54TH RD
6200-12699 55TH LN
4501-12699 56TH LOOP
5600-12799 57TH DR
5100-15599 58TH LN
6300-12799 59TH PL
1-1099 5TH AVE


- Go back to: 32054 - or here for the top
6600-15099 60TH DR
5200-14099 61ST ST
4900-6799 62ND LN
4600-12699 63RD TRL
5300-16399 64TH PL
5100-15499 65TH PL
5400-12699 66TH TER
5000-13199 67TH LOOP
3500-15599 68TH PL
3200-15399 69TH RD
1-1299 6TH AVE


- Go back to: 32054 - or here for the top
3800-12599 70TH RD
6100-16599 71ST CT
3300-16499 72ND LN
4600-16099 73RD CT
6300-19899 74TH CT
5900-19899 75TH LN
3800-16299 76TH AVE
5700-20099 77TH LN
4700-16399 78TH LN
5200-20199 79TH LN
1-999 7TH AVE


- Go back to: 32054 - or here for the top
4600-16199 80TH PATH
5300-20099 81ST CT
4300-20399 82ND WAY
4800-16899 83RD TRL
3400-20299 84TH LOOP
6400-20599 85TH TER
4500-16599 86TH PL
4600-12399 87TH TER
4500-20599 88TH PL
3500-14798 89TH LN
1-9999 8TH AVE


- Go back to: 32054 - or here for the top
3900-19999 90TH TRL
4500-16799 91ST TER
3700-16399 92ND AVE
3700-14799 93RD CT
3700-15299 94TH LN
3700-21299 95TH PL
4600-15199 96TH PL
8900-21299 97TH PL
7200-21099 98TH DR
3600-20999 99TH RD
1-699 9TH AVE


- Go back to: 32054 - or here for the top
13100-13399 COUNTY ROAD 100A
5600-11899 COUNTY ROAD 18
3800-6399 COUNTY ROAD 18A
11600-12499 COUNTY ROAD 229
5900-11599 COUNTY ROAD 231
13700-15799 COUNTY ROAD 231A
18800-24299 COUNTY ROAD 235
6800-12099 COUNTY ROAD 237
10800-18299 COUNTY ROAD 238
7300-8799 COUNTY ROAD 238A
4900-14699 COUNTY ROAD 239
6900-12899 COUNTY ROAD 239A
5300-6999 COUNTY ROAD 240
4800-13799 COUNTY ROAD 241
6200-6699 COUNTY ROAD 241A
7200-9498 COUNTY ROAD 245
5200-8499 COUNTY ROAD 791
6600-8299 COUNTY ROAD 796
8100-8899 COUNTY ROAD 796A


- Go back to: 32054 - or here for the top


- Go back to: 32054 - or here for the top
1-1099 LAKE AVE


- Go back to: 32054 - or here for the top
1-1299 MAIN ST
700-799 MAPLE ST


- Go back to: 32054 - or here for the top


- Go back to: 32054 - or here for the top
8800-20699 STATE ROAD 100
3681-12099 STATE ROAD 121
12100-12699 STATE ROAD 18
3100-16099 STATE ROAD 238


- Go back to: 32054 - or here for the top


- Go back to: 32054 - or here for the top
36400-36499 VERLEANT AVE