Zip Codes for Honolulu, HI 

We have 45 zip codes, directions, road names, and location information for Honolulu, Hawaii zip codes. We hope this information helps :)
Zip codes in Honolulu include: 96801 , 96802 , 96803 , 96804 , 96805 , 96806 , 96807 , 96808 , 96809 , 96810 , 96811 , 96812 , 96813 , 96814 , 96815 , 96816 , 96817 , 96818 , 96819 , 96820 , 96821 , 96822 , 96823 , 96824 , 96825 , 96826 , 96827 , 96828 , 96830 , 96835 , 96836 , 96837 , 96838 , 96839 , 96840 , 96841 , 96842 , 96843 , 96844 , 96845 , 96846 , 96847 , 96848 , 96849 , 96850 . Click on a zip code to skip right to the entry for that zip code.


Zip Code 1:96801
for Honolulu in Hawaii.
Congressional District for 96801: 1501

View your Representative for zip code 96801.

Honolulu Zip code 96801 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location:

Demographics for 96801
Land Acreage: NA
Water Acreage: NA
Number of Houses: NA
Approximate Population: NA
Male Population: NA
Female Population: NA
Pop. Under 10: NA
Pop. 10 to 19: NA
Pop. 20 to 29: NA
Pop. 30 to 39: NA
Pop. 40 to 49: NA
Pop. 50 to 59: NA
Pop. 60 to 69: NA
Pop. 70 to 79:
Pop 80 and up: NA

Skip to Roads in 96801 beginning with:


Zip Code 2:96802
for Honolulu in Hawaii.
Congressional District for 96802: 1501

View your Representative for zip code 96802.

Honolulu Zip code 96802 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location:

Demographics for 96802
Land Acreage: NA
Water Acreage: NA
Number of Houses: NA
Approximate Population: NA
Male Population: NA
Female Population: NA
Pop. Under 10: NA
Pop. 10 to 19: NA
Pop. 20 to 29: NA
Pop. 30 to 39: NA
Pop. 40 to 49: NA
Pop. 50 to 59: NA
Pop. 60 to 69: NA
Pop. 70 to 79:
Pop 80 and up: NA

Skip to Roads in 96802 beginning with:


Zip Code 3:96803
for Honolulu in Hawaii.
Congressional District for 96803: 1501

View your Representative for zip code 96803.

Honolulu Zip code 96803 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location:

Demographics for 96803
Land Acreage: NA
Water Acreage: NA
Number of Houses: NA
Approximate Population: NA
Male Population: NA
Female Population: NA
Pop. Under 10: NA
Pop. 10 to 19: NA
Pop. 20 to 29: NA
Pop. 30 to 39: NA
Pop. 40 to 49: NA
Pop. 50 to 59: NA
Pop. 60 to 69: NA
Pop. 70 to 79:
Pop 80 and up: NA

Skip to Roads in 96803 beginning with:


Zip Code 4:96804
for Honolulu in Hawaii.
Congressional District for 96804: 1501

View your Representative for zip code 96804.

Honolulu Zip code 96804 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location:

Demographics for 96804
Land Acreage: NA
Water Acreage: NA
Number of Houses: NA
Approximate Population: NA
Male Population: NA
Female Population: NA
Pop. Under 10: NA
Pop. 10 to 19: NA
Pop. 20 to 29: NA
Pop. 30 to 39: NA
Pop. 40 to 49: NA
Pop. 50 to 59: NA
Pop. 60 to 69: NA
Pop. 70 to 79:
Pop 80 and up: NA

Skip to Roads in 96804 beginning with:


Zip Code 5:96805
for Honolulu in Hawaii.
Congressional District for 96805: 1501

View your Representative for zip code 96805.

Honolulu Zip code 96805 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location:

Demographics for 96805
Land Acreage: NA
Water Acreage: NA
Number of Houses: NA
Approximate Population: NA
Male Population: NA
Female Population: NA
Pop. Under 10: NA
Pop. 10 to 19: NA
Pop. 20 to 29: NA
Pop. 30 to 39: NA
Pop. 40 to 49: NA
Pop. 50 to 59: NA
Pop. 60 to 69: NA
Pop. 70 to 79:
Pop 80 and up: NA

Skip to Roads in 96805 beginning with:


Zip Code 6:96806
for Honolulu in Hawaii.
Congressional District for 96806: 1501

View your Representative for zip code 96806.

Honolulu Zip code 96806 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location:

Demographics for 96806
Land Acreage: NA
Water Acreage: NA
Number of Houses: NA
Approximate Population: NA
Male Population: NA
Female Population: NA
Pop. Under 10: NA
Pop. 10 to 19: NA
Pop. 20 to 29: NA
Pop. 30 to 39: NA
Pop. 40 to 49: NA
Pop. 50 to 59: NA
Pop. 60 to 69: NA
Pop. 70 to 79:
Pop 80 and up: NA

Skip to Roads in 96806 beginning with:


Zip Code 7:96807
for Honolulu in Hawaii.
Congressional District for 96807: 1501

View your Representative for zip code 96807.

Honolulu Zip code 96807 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location:

Demographics for 96807
Land Acreage: NA
Water Acreage: NA
Number of Houses: NA
Approximate Population: NA
Male Population: NA
Female Population: NA
Pop. Under 10: NA
Pop. 10 to 19: NA
Pop. 20 to 29: NA
Pop. 30 to 39: NA
Pop. 40 to 49: NA
Pop. 50 to 59: NA
Pop. 60 to 69: NA
Pop. 70 to 79:
Pop 80 and up: NA

Skip to Roads in 96807 beginning with:


Zip Code 8:96808
for Honolulu in Hawaii.
Congressional District for 96808: 1501

View your Representative for zip code 96808.

Honolulu Zip code 96808 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location:

Demographics for 96808
Land Acreage: NA
Water Acreage: NA
Number of Houses: NA
Approximate Population: NA
Male Population: NA
Female Population: NA
Pop. Under 10: NA
Pop. 10 to 19: NA
Pop. 20 to 29: NA
Pop. 30 to 39: NA
Pop. 40 to 49: NA
Pop. 50 to 59: NA
Pop. 60 to 69: NA
Pop. 70 to 79:
Pop 80 and up: NA

Skip to Roads in 96808 beginning with:


Zip Code 9:96809
for Honolulu in Hawaii.
Congressional District for 96809: 1501

View your Representative for zip code 96809.

Honolulu Zip code 96809 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location:

Demographics for 96809
Land Acreage: NA
Water Acreage: NA
Number of Houses: NA
Approximate Population: NA
Male Population: NA
Female Population: NA
Pop. Under 10: NA
Pop. 10 to 19: NA
Pop. 20 to 29: NA
Pop. 30 to 39: NA
Pop. 40 to 49: NA
Pop. 50 to 59: NA
Pop. 60 to 69: NA
Pop. 70 to 79:
Pop 80 and up: NA

Skip to Roads in 96809 beginning with:


Zip Code 10:96810
for Honolulu in Hawaii.
Congressional District for 96810: 1501

View your Representative for zip code 96810.

Honolulu Zip code 96810 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location:

Demographics for 96810
Land Acreage: NA
Water Acreage: NA
Number of Houses: NA
Approximate Population: NA
Male Population: NA
Female Population: NA
Pop. Under 10: NA
Pop. 10 to 19: NA
Pop. 20 to 29: NA
Pop. 30 to 39: NA
Pop. 40 to 49: NA
Pop. 50 to 59: NA
Pop. 60 to 69: NA
Pop. 70 to 79:
Pop 80 and up: NA

Skip to Roads in 96810 beginning with:


Zip Code 11:96811
for Honolulu in Hawaii.
Congressional District for 96811: 1501

View your Representative for zip code 96811.

Honolulu Zip code 96811 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location:

Demographics for 96811
Land Acreage: NA
Water Acreage: NA
Number of Houses: NA
Approximate Population: NA
Male Population: NA
Female Population: NA
Pop. Under 10: NA
Pop. 10 to 19: NA
Pop. 20 to 29: NA
Pop. 30 to 39: NA
Pop. 40 to 49: NA
Pop. 50 to 59: NA
Pop. 60 to 69: NA
Pop. 70 to 79:
Pop 80 and up: NA

Skip to Roads in 96811 beginning with:


Zip Code 12:96812
for Honolulu in Hawaii.
Congressional District for 96812: 1501

View your Representative for zip code 96812.

Honolulu Zip code 96812 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location:

Demographics for 96812
Land Acreage: NA
Water Acreage: NA
Number of Houses: NA
Approximate Population: NA
Male Population: NA
Female Population: NA
Pop. Under 10: NA
Pop. 10 to 19: NA
Pop. 20 to 29: NA
Pop. 30 to 39: NA
Pop. 40 to 49: NA
Pop. 50 to 59: NA
Pop. 60 to 69: NA
Pop. 70 to 79:
Pop 80 and up: NA

Skip to Roads in 96812 beginning with:


Zip Code 13:96813
for Honolulu in Hawaii.
Average Household Income for 96813 from IRS Returns: $92,872.90

Congressional District for 96813: 1501

View your Representative for zip code 96813.

Honolulu Zip code 96813 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location:

Demographics for 96813
Land Acreage: 8912089
Water Acreage: 644113
Number of Houses: 10542
Approximate Population: 22881
Male Population: 11350
Female Population: 11531
Pop. Under 10: 2021
Pop. 10 to 19: 1931
Pop. 20 to 29: 3119
Pop. 30 to 39: 3280
Pop. 40 to 49: 3327
Pop. 50 to 59: 3469
Pop. 60 to 69: 2695
Pop. 70 to 79: 1631
Pop 80 and up: 1408

Skip to Roads in 96813 beginning with:


Zip Code 14:96814
for Honolulu in Hawaii.
Average Household Income for 96814 from IRS Returns: $95,216.71

Congressional District for 96814: 1501

View your Representative for zip code 96814.

Honolulu Zip code 96814 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location:

Demographics for 96814
Land Acreage: 3225550
Water Acreage: 1113494
Number of Houses: 11187
Approximate Population: 18721
Male Population: 9176
Female Population: 9545
Pop. Under 10: 1357
Pop. 10 to 19: 1243
Pop. 20 to 29: 2541
Pop. 30 to 39: 2933
Pop. 40 to 49: 2853
Pop. 50 to 59: 2903
Pop. 60 to 69: 2368
Pop. 70 to 79: 1340
Pop 80 and up: 1183

Skip to Roads in 96814 beginning with:


Zip Code 15:96815
for Honolulu in Hawaii.
Average Household Income for 96815 from IRS Returns: $78,187.71

Congressional District for 96815: 1501

View your Representative for zip code 96815.

Honolulu Zip code 96815 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location:

Demographics for 96815
Land Acreage: 4963333
Water Acreage: 2299121
Number of Houses: 22750
Approximate Population: 31470
Male Population: 16126
Female Population: 15344
Pop. Under 10: 1842
Pop. 10 to 19: 1819
Pop. 20 to 29: 5658
Pop. 30 to 39: 4958
Pop. 40 to 49: 4594
Pop. 50 to 59: 4588
Pop. 60 to 69: 3961
Pop. 70 to 79: 2249
Pop 80 and up: 1801

Skip to Roads in 96815 beginning with:


Zip Code 16:96816
for Honolulu in Hawaii.
Average Household Income for 96816 from IRS Returns: $96,824.53

Congressional District for 96816: 1501

View your Representative for zip code 96816.

Honolulu Zip code 96816 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location:

Demographics for 96816
Land Acreage: 25627960
Water Acreage: 1900247
Number of Houses: 18914
Approximate Population: 49368
Male Population: 24024
Female Population: 25344
Pop. Under 10: 4365
Pop. 10 to 19: 4920
Pop. 20 to 29: 6306
Pop. 30 to 39: 5839
Pop. 40 to 49: 6743
Pop. 50 to 59: 7715
Pop. 60 to 69: 5639
Pop. 70 to 79: 3372
Pop 80 and up: 4469

Skip to Roads in 96816 beginning with:


Zip Code 17:96817
for Honolulu in Hawaii.
Average Household Income for 96817 from IRS Returns: $63,080.69

Congressional District for 96817: 1501

View your Representative for zip code 96817.

Honolulu Zip code 96817 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location:

Demographics for 96817
Land Acreage: 24046929
Water Acreage: 1214255
Number of Houses: 20157
Approximate Population: 54628
Male Population: 26491
Female Population: 28137
Pop. Under 10: 5211
Pop. 10 to 19: 6382
Pop. 20 to 29: 6340
Pop. 30 to 39: 6122
Pop. 40 to 49: 7424
Pop. 50 to 59: 8368
Pop. 60 to 69: 6294
Pop. 70 to 79: 4284
Pop 80 and up: 4203

Skip to Roads in 96817 beginning with:


Zip Code 18:96818
for Honolulu in Hawaii.
Average Household Income for 96818 from IRS Returns: $66,650.98

Congressional District for 96818: 1501

View your Representative for zip code 96818.

Honolulu Zip code 96818 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location:

Demographics for 96818
Land Acreage: 29818831
Water Acreage: 9267901
Number of Houses: 17313
Approximate Population: 50586
Male Population: 25014
Female Population: 25572
Pop. Under 10: 9031
Pop. 10 to 19: 6477
Pop. 20 to 29: 8278
Pop. 30 to 39: 8787
Pop. 40 to 49: 6400
Pop. 50 to 59: 4647
Pop. 60 to 69: 3536
Pop. 70 to 79: 2086
Pop 80 and up: 1344

Skip to Roads in 96818 beginning with:


Zip Code 19:96819
for Honolulu in Hawaii.
Average Household Income for 96819 from IRS Returns: $52,228.25

Congressional District for 96819: 1501

View your Representative for zip code 96819.

Honolulu Zip code 96819 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location:

Demographics for 96819
Land Acreage: 56684403
Water Acreage: 9484881
Number of Houses: 12399
Approximate Population: 49492
Male Population: 25200
Female Population: 24292
Pop. Under 10: 6217
Pop. 10 to 19: 6628
Pop. 20 to 29: 6978
Pop. 30 to 39: 6321
Pop. 40 to 49: 6840
Pop. 50 to 59: 6323
Pop. 60 to 69: 4559
Pop. 70 to 79: 3020
Pop 80 and up: 2606

Skip to Roads in 96819 beginning with:


Zip Code 20:96820
for Honolulu in Hawaii.
Congressional District for 96820: 1501

View your Representative for zip code 96820.

Honolulu Zip code 96820 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location:

Demographics for 96820
Land Acreage: NA
Water Acreage: NA
Number of Houses: NA
Approximate Population: NA
Male Population: NA
Female Population: NA
Pop. Under 10: NA
Pop. 10 to 19: NA
Pop. 20 to 29: NA
Pop. 30 to 39: NA
Pop. 40 to 49: NA
Pop. 50 to 59: NA
Pop. 60 to 69: NA
Pop. 70 to 79:
Pop 80 and up: NA

Skip to Roads in 96820 beginning with:


Zip Code 21:96821
for Honolulu in Hawaii.
Average Household Income for 96821 from IRS Returns: $158,303.85

Congressional District for 96821: 1501

View your Representative for zip code 96821.

Honolulu Zip code 96821 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location:

Demographics for 96821
Land Acreage: 29876667
Water Acreage: 1213739
Number of Houses: 7295
Approximate Population: 19856
Male Population: 9689
Female Population: 10167
Pop. Under 10: 1877
Pop. 10 to 19: 2056
Pop. 20 to 29: 1659
Pop. 30 to 39: 1776
Pop. 40 to 49: 2673
Pop. 50 to 59: 3497
Pop. 60 to 69: 2741
Pop. 70 to 79: 1588
Pop 80 and up: 1989

Skip to Roads in 96821 beginning with:


Zip Code 22:96822
for Honolulu in Hawaii.
Average Household Income for 96822 from IRS Returns: $87,785.39

Congressional District for 96822: 1501

View your Representative for zip code 96822.

Honolulu Zip code 96822 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location:

Demographics for 96822
Land Acreage: 21239274
Water Acreage: 0
Number of Houses: 19372
Approximate Population: 45007
Male Population: 21772
Female Population: 23235
Pop. Under 10: 3402
Pop. 10 to 19: 4818
Pop. 20 to 29: 7793
Pop. 30 to 39: 5692
Pop. 40 to 49: 5778
Pop. 50 to 59: 6406
Pop. 60 to 69: 4997
Pop. 70 to 79: 2843
Pop 80 and up: 3278

Skip to Roads in 96822 beginning with:


Zip Code 23:96823
for Honolulu in Hawaii.
Congressional District for 96823: 1501

View your Representative for zip code 96823.

Honolulu Zip code 96823 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location:

Demographics for 96823
Land Acreage: NA
Water Acreage: NA
Number of Houses: NA
Approximate Population: NA
Male Population: NA
Female Population: NA
Pop. Under 10: NA
Pop. 10 to 19: NA
Pop. 20 to 29: NA
Pop. 30 to 39: NA
Pop. 40 to 49: NA
Pop. 50 to 59: NA
Pop. 60 to 69: NA
Pop. 70 to 79:
Pop 80 and up: NA

Skip to Roads in 96823 beginning with:


Zip Code 24:96824
for Honolulu in Hawaii.
Congressional District for 96824: 1501

View your Representative for zip code 96824.

Honolulu Zip code 96824 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location:

Demographics for 96824
Land Acreage: NA
Water Acreage: NA
Number of Houses: NA
Approximate Population: NA
Male Population: NA
Female Population: NA
Pop. Under 10: NA
Pop. 10 to 19: NA
Pop. 20 to 29: NA
Pop. 30 to 39: NA
Pop. 40 to 49: NA
Pop. 50 to 59: NA
Pop. 60 to 69: NA
Pop. 70 to 79:
Pop 80 and up: NA

Skip to Roads in 96824 beginning with:


Zip Code 25:96825
for Honolulu in Hawaii.
Average Household Income for 96825 from IRS Returns: $114,575.27

Congressional District for 96825: 1501

View your Representative for zip code 96825.

Honolulu Zip code 96825 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location:

Demographics for 96825
Land Acreage: 29041291
Water Acreage: 5111407
Number of Houses: 11592
Approximate Population: 30263
Male Population: 14742
Female Population: 15521
Pop. Under 10: 3176
Pop. 10 to 19: 3377
Pop. 20 to 29: 2457
Pop. 30 to 39: 3213
Pop. 40 to 49: 4858
Pop. 50 to 59: 4658
Pop. 60 to 69: 4534
Pop. 70 to 79: 2464
Pop 80 and up: 1526

Skip to Roads in 96825 beginning with:


Zip Code 26:96826
for Honolulu in Hawaii.
Average Household Income for 96826 from IRS Returns: $54,831.25

Congressional District for 96826: 1501

View your Representative for zip code 96826.

Honolulu Zip code 96826 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location:

Demographics for 96826
Land Acreage: 2761968
Water Acreage: 50029
Number of Houses: 15948
Approximate Population: 30842
Male Population: 15126
Female Population: 15716
Pop. Under 10: 2533
Pop. 10 to 19: 2594
Pop. 20 to 29: 5369
Pop. 30 to 39: 4340
Pop. 40 to 49: 4328
Pop. 50 to 59: 4391
Pop. 60 to 69: 3373
Pop. 70 to 79: 2090
Pop 80 and up: 1824

Skip to Roads in 96826 beginning with:


Zip Code 27:96827
for Honolulu in Hawaii.
Congressional District for 96827: 1501

View your Representative for zip code 96827.

Honolulu Zip code 96827 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location:

Demographics for 96827
Land Acreage: NA
Water Acreage: NA
Number of Houses: NA
Approximate Population: NA
Male Population: NA
Female Population: NA
Pop. Under 10: NA
Pop. 10 to 19: NA
Pop. 20 to 29: NA
Pop. 30 to 39: NA
Pop. 40 to 49: NA
Pop. 50 to 59: NA
Pop. 60 to 69: NA
Pop. 70 to 79:
Pop 80 and up: NA

Skip to Roads in 96827 beginning with:


Zip Code 28:96828
for Honolulu in Hawaii.
Congressional District for 96828: 1501

View your Representative for zip code 96828.

Honolulu Zip code 96828 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location:

Demographics for 96828
Land Acreage: NA
Water Acreage: NA
Number of Houses: NA
Approximate Population: NA
Male Population: NA
Female Population: NA
Pop. Under 10: NA
Pop. 10 to 19: NA
Pop. 20 to 29: NA
Pop. 30 to 39: NA
Pop. 40 to 49: NA
Pop. 50 to 59: NA
Pop. 60 to 69: NA
Pop. 70 to 79:
Pop 80 and up: NA

Skip to Roads in 96828 beginning with:


Zip Code 29:96830
for Honolulu in Hawaii.
Congressional District for 96830: 1501

View your Representative for zip code 96830.

Honolulu Zip code 96830 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location:

Demographics for 96830
Land Acreage: NA
Water Acreage: NA
Number of Houses: NA
Approximate Population: NA
Male Population: NA
Female Population: NA
Pop. Under 10: NA
Pop. 10 to 19: NA
Pop. 20 to 29: NA
Pop. 30 to 39: NA
Pop. 40 to 49: NA
Pop. 50 to 59: NA
Pop. 60 to 69: NA
Pop. 70 to 79:
Pop 80 and up: NA

Skip to Roads in 96830 beginning with:


Zip Code 30:96835
for Honolulu in Hawaii.
Congressional District for 96835: 1501

View your Representative for zip code 96835.

Honolulu Zip code 96835 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location:

Demographics for 96835
Land Acreage: NA
Water Acreage: NA
Number of Houses: NA
Approximate Population: NA
Male Population: NA
Female Population: NA
Pop. Under 10: NA
Pop. 10 to 19: NA
Pop. 20 to 29: NA
Pop. 30 to 39: NA
Pop. 40 to 49: NA
Pop. 50 to 59: NA
Pop. 60 to 69: NA
Pop. 70 to 79:
Pop 80 and up: NA

Skip to Roads in 96835 beginning with:


Zip Code 31:96836
for Honolulu in Hawaii.
Congressional District for 96836: 1501

View your Representative for zip code 96836.

Honolulu Zip code 96836 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location:

Demographics for 96836
Land Acreage: NA
Water Acreage: NA
Number of Houses: NA
Approximate Population: NA
Male Population: NA
Female Population: NA
Pop. Under 10: NA
Pop. 10 to 19: NA
Pop. 20 to 29: NA
Pop. 30 to 39: NA
Pop. 40 to 49: NA
Pop. 50 to 59: NA
Pop. 60 to 69: NA
Pop. 70 to 79:
Pop 80 and up: NA

Skip to Roads in 96836 beginning with:


Zip Code 32:96837
for Honolulu in Hawaii.
Congressional District for 96837: 1501

View your Representative for zip code 96837.

Honolulu Zip code 96837 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location:

Demographics for 96837
Land Acreage: NA
Water Acreage: NA
Number of Houses: NA
Approximate Population: NA
Male Population: NA
Female Population: NA
Pop. Under 10: NA
Pop. 10 to 19: NA
Pop. 20 to 29: NA
Pop. 30 to 39: NA
Pop. 40 to 49: NA
Pop. 50 to 59: NA
Pop. 60 to 69: NA
Pop. 70 to 79:
Pop 80 and up: NA

Skip to Roads in 96837 beginning with:


Zip Code 33:96838
for Honolulu in Hawaii.
Congressional District for 96838: 1501

View your Representative for zip code 96838.

Honolulu Zip code 96838 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location:

Demographics for 96838
Land Acreage: NA
Water Acreage: NA
Number of Houses: NA
Approximate Population: NA
Male Population: NA
Female Population: NA
Pop. Under 10: NA
Pop. 10 to 19: NA
Pop. 20 to 29: NA
Pop. 30 to 39: NA
Pop. 40 to 49: NA
Pop. 50 to 59: NA
Pop. 60 to 69: NA
Pop. 70 to 79:
Pop 80 and up: NA

Skip to Roads in 96838 beginning with:


Zip Code 34:96839
for Honolulu in Hawaii.
Congressional District for 96839: 1501

View your Representative for zip code 96839.

Honolulu Zip code 96839 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location:

Demographics for 96839
Land Acreage: NA
Water Acreage: NA
Number of Houses: NA
Approximate Population: NA
Male Population: NA
Female Population: NA
Pop. Under 10: NA
Pop. 10 to 19: NA
Pop. 20 to 29: NA
Pop. 30 to 39: NA
Pop. 40 to 49: NA
Pop. 50 to 59: NA
Pop. 60 to 69: NA
Pop. 70 to 79:
Pop 80 and up: NA

Skip to Roads in 96839 beginning with:


Zip Code 35:96840
for Honolulu in Hawaii.
Congressional District for 96840: 1501

View your Representative for zip code 96840.

Honolulu Zip code 96840 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location:

Demographics for 96840
Land Acreage: NA
Water Acreage: NA
Number of Houses: NA
Approximate Population: NA
Male Population: NA
Female Population: NA
Pop. Under 10: NA
Pop. 10 to 19: NA
Pop. 20 to 29: NA
Pop. 30 to 39: NA
Pop. 40 to 49: NA
Pop. 50 to 59: NA
Pop. 60 to 69: NA
Pop. 70 to 79:
Pop 80 and up: NA

Skip to Roads in 96840 beginning with:


Zip Code 36:96841
for Honolulu in Hawaii.
Congressional District for 96841: 1501

View your Representative for zip code 96841.

Honolulu Zip code 96841 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location:

Demographics for 96841
Land Acreage: NA
Water Acreage: NA
Number of Houses: NA
Approximate Population: NA
Male Population: NA
Female Population: NA
Pop. Under 10: NA
Pop. 10 to 19: NA
Pop. 20 to 29: NA
Pop. 30 to 39: NA
Pop. 40 to 49: NA
Pop. 50 to 59: NA
Pop. 60 to 69: NA
Pop. 70 to 79:
Pop 80 and up: NA

Skip to Roads in 96841 beginning with:


Zip Code 37:96842
for Honolulu in Hawaii.
Congressional District for 96842: 1501

View your Representative for zip code 96842.

Honolulu Zip code 96842 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location:

Demographics for 96842
Land Acreage: NA
Water Acreage: NA
Number of Houses: NA
Approximate Population: NA
Male Population: NA
Female Population: NA
Pop. Under 10: NA
Pop. 10 to 19: NA
Pop. 20 to 29: NA
Pop. 30 to 39: NA
Pop. 40 to 49: NA
Pop. 50 to 59: NA
Pop. 60 to 69: NA
Pop. 70 to 79:
Pop 80 and up: NA

Skip to Roads in 96842 beginning with:


Zip Code 38:96843
for Honolulu in Hawaii.
Congressional District for 96843: 1501

View your Representative for zip code 96843.

Honolulu Zip code 96843 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location:

Demographics for 96843
Land Acreage: NA
Water Acreage: NA
Number of Houses: NA
Approximate Population: NA
Male Population: NA
Female Population: NA
Pop. Under 10: NA
Pop. 10 to 19: NA
Pop. 20 to 29: NA
Pop. 30 to 39: NA
Pop. 40 to 49: NA
Pop. 50 to 59: NA
Pop. 60 to 69: NA
Pop. 70 to 79:
Pop 80 and up: NA

Skip to Roads in 96843 beginning with:


Zip Code 39:96844
for Honolulu in Hawaii.
Congressional District for 96844: 1501

View your Representative for zip code 96844.

Honolulu Zip code 96844 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location:

Demographics for 96844
Land Acreage: NA
Water Acreage: NA
Number of Houses: NA
Approximate Population: NA
Male Population: NA
Female Population: NA
Pop. Under 10: NA
Pop. 10 to 19: NA
Pop. 20 to 29: NA
Pop. 30 to 39: NA
Pop. 40 to 49: NA
Pop. 50 to 59: NA
Pop. 60 to 69: NA
Pop. 70 to 79:
Pop 80 and up: NA

Skip to Roads in 96844 beginning with:


Zip Code 40:96845
for Honolulu in Hawaii.
Congressional District for 96845: 1501

View your Representative for zip code 96845.

Honolulu Zip code 96845 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location:

Demographics for 96845
Land Acreage: NA
Water Acreage: NA
Number of Houses: NA
Approximate Population: NA
Male Population: NA
Female Population: NA
Pop. Under 10: NA
Pop. 10 to 19: NA
Pop. 20 to 29: NA
Pop. 30 to 39: NA
Pop. 40 to 49: NA
Pop. 50 to 59: NA
Pop. 60 to 69: NA
Pop. 70 to 79:
Pop 80 and up: NA

Skip to Roads in 96845 beginning with:


Zip Code 41:96846
for Honolulu in Hawaii.
Congressional District for 96846: 1501

View your Representative for zip code 96846.

Honolulu Zip code 96846 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location:

Demographics for 96846
Land Acreage: NA
Water Acreage: NA
Number of Houses: NA
Approximate Population: NA
Male Population: NA
Female Population: NA
Pop. Under 10: NA
Pop. 10 to 19: NA
Pop. 20 to 29: NA
Pop. 30 to 39: NA
Pop. 40 to 49: NA
Pop. 50 to 59: NA
Pop. 60 to 69: NA
Pop. 70 to 79:
Pop 80 and up: NA

Skip to Roads in 96846 beginning with:


Zip Code 42:96847
for Honolulu in Hawaii.
Congressional District for 96847: 1501

View your Representative for zip code 96847.

Honolulu Zip code 96847 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location:

Demographics for 96847
Land Acreage: NA
Water Acreage: NA
Number of Houses: NA
Approximate Population: NA
Male Population: NA
Female Population: NA
Pop. Under 10: NA
Pop. 10 to 19: NA
Pop. 20 to 29: NA
Pop. 30 to 39: NA
Pop. 40 to 49: NA
Pop. 50 to 59: NA
Pop. 60 to 69: NA
Pop. 70 to 79:
Pop 80 and up: NA

Skip to Roads in 96847 beginning with:


Zip Code 43:96848
for Honolulu in Hawaii.
Congressional District for 96848: 1501

View your Representative for zip code 96848.

Honolulu Zip code 96848 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location:

Demographics for 96848
Land Acreage: NA
Water Acreage: NA
Number of Houses: NA
Approximate Population: NA
Male Population: NA
Female Population: NA
Pop. Under 10: NA
Pop. 10 to 19: NA
Pop. 20 to 29: NA
Pop. 30 to 39: NA
Pop. 40 to 49: NA
Pop. 50 to 59: NA
Pop. 60 to 69: NA
Pop. 70 to 79:
Pop 80 and up: NA

Skip to Roads in 96848 beginning with:


Zip Code 44:96849
for Honolulu in Hawaii.
Congressional District for 96849: 1501

View your Representative for zip code 96849.

Honolulu Zip code 96849 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location:

Demographics for 96849
Land Acreage: NA
Water Acreage: NA
Number of Houses: NA
Approximate Population: NA
Male Population: NA
Female Population: NA
Pop. Under 10: NA
Pop. 10 to 19: NA
Pop. 20 to 29: NA
Pop. 30 to 39: NA
Pop. 40 to 49: NA
Pop. 50 to 59: NA
Pop. 60 to 69: NA
Pop. 70 to 79:
Pop 80 and up: NA

Skip to Roads in 96849 beginning with:


Zip Code 45:96850
for Honolulu in Hawaii.
Congressional District for 96850: 1501

View your Representative for zip code 96850.

Honolulu Zip code 96850 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location:

Demographics for 96850
Land Acreage: 55919
Water Acreage: 0
Number of Houses: 0
Approximate Population: 0
Male Population: 0
Female Population: 0
Pop. Under 10: 0
Pop. 10 to 19: 0
Pop. 20 to 29: 0
Pop. 30 to 39: 0
Pop. 40 to 49: 0
Pop. 50 to 59: 0
Pop. 60 to 69: 0
Pop. 70 to 79: 0
Pop 80 and up: 0

Skip to Roads in 96850 beginning with: