Zip Codes for Hawaiian Gardens, CA 

We have 1 zip code, which includes directions and location information for Hawaiian Gardens, California. We hope this information helps :)
The one zip code we have on record for Hawaiian Gardens is: 90716 .


Zip Code 1:90716
for Hawaiian Gardens in California.
Congressional District for 90716: 0638

View your Representative for zip code 90716.

Hawaiian Gardens Zip code 90716 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
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Demographics for 90716
Land Acreage: 2411559
Water Acreage: 27038
Number of Houses: 3652
Approximate Population: 14184
Male Population: 7078
Female Population: 7106
Pop. Under 10: 2492
Pop. 10 to 19: 2640
Pop. 20 to 29: 2294
Pop. 30 to 39: 2034
Pop. 40 to 49: 1796
Pop. 50 to 59: 1318
Pop. 60 to 69: 865
Pop. 70 to 79: 503
Pop 80 and up: 242

Skip to Roads in 90716 beginning with:
2 A B C D E F H I J N P S T V W

Streets (40) in zip code: 90716


- Go back to: 90716 - or here for the top
12200-12398 211TH ST
12200-12399 212TH ST
12200-12399 213TH ST
12000-12399 214TH ST
11900-12333 215TH ST
12100-12299 216TH ST
11800-12599 221ST ST
12200-12499 222ND ST
11800-12499 223RD ST
12200-12499 224TH ST
11900-12499 226TH ST


- Go back to: 90716 - or here for the top
21700-22315 1/2 ARLINE AVE


- Go back to: 90716 - or here for the top
21400-22499 BELSHIRE AVE
21600-21699 BLOOMFIELD AVE
12200-12499 BRITTAIN ST


- Go back to: 90716 - or here for the top
12500-12599 CANADA DR
11800-12599 CARSON ST
11900-12198 CENTRALIA RD
11800-12099 CIVIC CENTER DR
21201-22499 CLARETTA AVE
21700-22499 CLARKDALE AVE
34001-34099 CLEANCEN AVE


- Go back to: 90716 - or here for the top
21700-22499 DEVLIN AVE


- Go back to: 90716 - or here for the top
21400-22499 ELAINE AVE


- Go back to: 90716 - or here for the top
12400-12499 FARLOW ST
22300-22499 FUNSTON AVE


- Go back to: 90716 - or here for the top
21700-22099 HAWAIIAN AVE
21400-22499 HORST AVE


- Go back to: 90716 - or here for the top
21900-22499 IBEX AVE


- Go back to: 90716 - or here for the top
21900-22499 JOLIET AVE
21000-22499 JUAN AVE


- Go back to: 90716 - or here for the top
21100-22699 NORWALK BLVD


- Go back to: 90716 - or here for the top
21500-22399 PIONEER BLVD


- Go back to: 90716 - or here for the top
21300-21399 SCHULTZE DR
21700-22499 SEINE AVE


- Go back to: 90716 - or here for the top
12100-12299 TILBURY ST


- Go back to: 90716 - or here for the top
21700-22099 VERNE AVE
21700-22499 VIOLETA AVE


- Go back to: 90716 - or here for the top
22100-22399 WARDHAM AVE