Zip Codes for Dumas, MS 

We have 1 zip code, which includes directions and location information for Dumas, Mississippi. We hope this information helps :)
The one zip code we have on record for Dumas is: 38625 .


Zip Code 1:38625
for Dumas in Mississippi.
Average Household Income for 38625 from IRS Returns: $48,617.50

Congressional District for 38625: 2801

View your Representative for zip code 38625.

Dumas Zip code 38625 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
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Demographics for 38625
Land Acreage: 94885677
Water Acreage: 174720
Number of Houses: 476
Approximate Population: 1058
Male Population: 548
Female Population: 510
Pop. Under 10: 129
Pop. 10 to 19: 141
Pop. 20 to 29: 135
Pop. 30 to 39: 137
Pop. 40 to 49: 167
Pop. 50 to 59: 138
Pop. 60 to 69: 105
Pop. 70 to 79: 69
Pop 80 and up: 37

Skip to Roads in 38625 beginning with:

Streets (40) in zip code: 38625


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1000-1399 COUNTY ROAD 158
1000-1098 COUNTY ROAD 159
1000-1198 COUNTY ROAD 163
1000-1299 COUNTY ROAD 164
1400-1599 COUNTY ROAD 172
1000-1099 COUNTY ROAD 182
1701-1799 COUNTY ROAD 183
1000-1299 COUNTY ROAD 227
1000-1098 COUNTY ROAD 234
1000-1099 COUNTY ROAD 235
1000-1098 COUNTY ROAD 236
1000-1098 COUNTY ROAD 260
1001-1099 COUNTY ROAD 270
1000-1099 COUNTY ROAD 330
1-3199 COUNTY ROAD 600
100-3399 COUNTY ROAD 602
100-499 COUNTY ROAD 616
2201-4399 COUNTY ROAD 626
100-1200A COUNTY ROAD 627
200-1799 COUNTY ROAD 628
300-3399 COUNTY ROAD 629
1-499 COUNTY ROAD 630
1-299 COUNTY ROAD 631
1-199 COUNTY ROAD 643
401-799 COUNTY ROAD 740
100-4799 COUNTY ROAD 741
1400-1499 COUNTY ROAD 741A
700-1898 COUNTY ROAD 742
3000-4199 COUNTY ROAD 744
200-299 COUNTY ROAD 747
2-2599 COUNTY ROAD 748
300-598 COUNTY ROAD 749
801-3098 COUNTY ROAD 750
1-298 COUNTY ROAD 751
100-698 COUNTY ROAD 753


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2000-2099 HIGHWAY 30
400-3481A HIGHWAY 370


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