Zip Codes for Doyle, CA 

We have 1 zip code, which includes directions and location information for Doyle, California. We hope this information helps :)
The one zip code we have on record for Doyle is: 96109 .


Zip Code 1:96109
for Doyle in California.
Average Household Income for 96109 from IRS Returns: $50,784.38

Congressional District for 96109: 0601

View your Representative for zip code 96109.

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Demographics for 96109
Land Acreage: 512467549
Water Acreage: 5151367
Number of Houses: 566
Approximate Population: 2197
Male Population: 1664
Female Population: 533
Pop. Under 10: 124
Pop. 10 to 19: 117
Pop. 20 to 29: 432
Pop. 30 to 39: 598
Pop. 40 to 49: 369
Pop. 50 to 59: 279
Pop. 60 to 69: 167
Pop. 70 to 79: 83
Pop 80 and up: 28

Skip to Roads in 96109 beginning with:
2 A B C D E F G H J K L M O P R S T U W

Streets (57) in zip code: 96109


- Go back to: 96109 - or here for the top
435-100-435-199 2ND ST


- Go back to: 96109 - or here for the top
434-300-434-599 ALICEA LN


- Go back to: 96109 - or here for the top
432-400-432-499 BAY DR
439-700-439-799 BERNICE LN


- Go back to: 96109 - or here for the top
436-040-436-399 CHERYL DR
442-900-442-999 CLARKS LOST RD
425-900-432-850 CONSTANTIA RD
741-010-741-899 COUNTY ROAD A25
741-400-742-399 COWBOY JOE RD
749-800-749-899 CROWDER LN


- Go back to: 96109 - or here for the top
749-00-749-00 DANNER LN
436-050-436-899 DEWEY LN
434-100-434-299 DIAMOND MOUNTAIN RD
435-400-435-899 DIANA DR
433-00-435-899 DOYLE LOOP


- Go back to: 96109 - or here for the top
435-200-435-299 EMMY MAE DR


- Go back to: 96109 - or here for the top
444-900-444-999 FARM RD
430-600-748-899 FERRIS RD
435-100-435-199 FIRST ST
434-300-434-399 FOOTHILL LN
434-900-435-099 FOURTH ST


- Go back to: 96109 - or here for the top
442-015-447-199 GARNIER RD
444-011-741-399 GRAVIER LN


- Go back to: 96109 - or here for the top
434-400-435-299 HACKSTAFF RD
431-600-431-999 HALL RD
740-900-740-999 HERLONG ACCESS RD


- Go back to: 96109 - or here for the top
447-301-449-399 JAKES LN


- Go back to: 96109 - or here for the top
436-300-437-599 KAREN DR


- Go back to: 96109 - or here for the top
436-600-436-999 LASATER CT
435-300-435-399 LASSEN DR
434-800-436-699 LAURA DR
434-400-434-499 LEONARD RD
437-200-437-299 LOCUST WAY


- Go back to: 96109 - or here for the top
435-050-747-499 MAIN ST


- Go back to: 96109 - or here for the top
436-100-441-999 OLD HWY
546-500-548-399 OLD HIGHWAY RD
746-400-746-499 OLD INDIAN TRL
442-501-442-999 OLIVE LN


- Go back to: 96109 - or here for the top
743-700-744-099 PICKENS RD


- Go back to: 96109 - or here for the top
745-800-745-899 RACHEL DR
748-900-748-999 RANCH OF THE BELLS RD
435-800-436-999 RIVERVIEW DR


- Go back to: 96109 - or here for the top
413-500-436-299 SCOTT RD
434-600-434-899 SECOND ST
448-400-448-499 SIMMS RD
435-500-437-199 SUSAN DR


- Go back to: 96109 - or here for the top
435-700-436-099 THELMA DR
434-900-434-999 THIRD ST
445-100-445-499 TUCKER RD
748-700-748-799 TURTLE MOUNTAIN RD


- Go back to: 96109 - or here for the top
433-400-450-099 US HIGHWAY 395


- Go back to: 96109 - or here for the top
433-400-433-498 WASHERES
435-100-746-655 WILLOW DR
744-500-744-999 WINTERS RD
433-500-434-005 WOLFIN RD