Zip Codes for Cove, OR 

We have 1 zip code, which includes directions and location information for Cove, Oregon. We hope this information helps :)
The one zip code we have on record for Cove is: 97824 .


Zip Code 1:97824
for Cove in Oregon.
Average Household Income for 97824 from IRS Returns: $68,051.85

Congressional District for 97824: 4102

View your Representative for zip code 97824.

Cove Zip code 97824 On Google Maps
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Demographics for 97824
Land Acreage: 566179875
Water Acreage: 20851
Number of Houses: 732
Approximate Population: 1661
Male Population: 823
Female Population: 838
Pop. Under 10: 181
Pop. 10 to 19: 241
Pop. 20 to 29: 94
Pop. 30 to 39: 153
Pop. 40 to 49: 198
Pop. 50 to 59: 292
Pop. 60 to 69: 258
Pop. 70 to 79: 161
Pop 80 and up: 83

Skip to Roads in 97824 beginning with:
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Streets (84) in zip code: 97824


- Go back to: 97824 - or here for the top
700-799 1ST ST


- Go back to: 97824 - or here for the top
500-602 1/2 2ND ST


- Go back to: 97824 - or here for the top
64300-64499 7TH DR


- Go back to: 97824 - or here for the top
500-806 ALDER ST
64750-66499 ALICEL LN
1000-69899 ANTLES LN
500-899 ASH ST


- Go back to: 97824 - or here for the top
1200-1211 BIRCH ST
65000-68299 BOOTH LN
1000-1109 1/2 BRYAN ST


- Go back to: 97824 - or here for the top
500-899 CADDIE ST
60800-60899 CAMPBELL DR
63600-64399 CASE RD
69000-69299 CHADWICK LN
60000-60599 CHOKE CHERRY RD
1000-1110 1/2 CHURCH ST
69400-69599 COMMON LN
59800-60099 COMSTOCK RD
800-1999 CONKLIN LN
61000-62099 CONLEY RD


- Go back to: 97824 - or here for the top
69400-69499 DEAN RD
69800-69899 DEAR DR
64800-64899 DEPOT DR
64300-64499 DORTHY RD
64300-64499 DORTHY M RD


- Go back to: 97824 - or here for the top
600-899 ELM ST


- Go back to: 97824 - or here for the top
69900-70499 FLETCHER LN
600-906 1/2 FOSTER ST
700-899 FRENCH ST


- Go back to: 97824 - or here for the top
64100-65799 GRAYS CORNER RD


- Go back to: 97824 - or here for the top
1000-70599 HAEFER LN
63100-63599 HAMILTON RD
64700-65499 HAYS RD
69400-69699 HERITAGE LN
600-799 HIBBLER ST
59378-70099 HIDDEN VALLEY LN
100-64099 HIGH VALLEY RD
64900-66199 HIGHWAY 82
700-1399 HILL ST
68300-68499 HULICK LN
59600-69899 HWY 237


- Go back to: 97824 - or here for the top
64800-66099 IMBLER RD


- Go back to: 97824 - or here for the top
65000-65099 JANSON LN
1000-1507 1/2 JASPER ST


- Go back to: 97824 - or here for the top
68300-68605A KERNS LOOP


- Go back to: 97824 - or here for the top
69300-69799 LANTZ LN
60300-60399 LEOPARD DR
61000-61199 LONGVIEW LN
60600-61299 LOVE RD
61300-68799 LOWER COVE RD


- Go back to: 97824 - or here for the top
500-899 MAIN ST
64600-67599 MARKET LN
65400-65899 MCKENNON LN
58700-60099 MCNEILL RD
800-999 MILL ST
400-68899 MILL CREEK LN
60800-61099 MOUNTAIN VIEW DR


- Go back to: 97824 - or here for the top
1000-1799 ORCHARD ST
60800-60999 OVERLOOK DR


- Go back to: 97824 - or here for the top
62700-62799 PEACH RD
60400-60599 POND PARADISE RD
70000-70199 PONDEROSA LN
500-899 POPLAR ST


- Go back to: 97824 - or here for the top
700-799 ROSE ST
800-60399 ROSE RIDGE RD
64000-64599 RUCKMAN RD
67500-67899 RUTH LN


- Go back to: 97824 - or here for the top
60800-60999 SHARP RD
67300-69899 SQUIRE LOOP
60800-61299 STACKLAND RD
64700-64799 STANDLEY LN
60600-60899 SUNDAY DR
1400-1599 SUSIE LN


- Go back to: 97824 - or here for the top
60000-60099 THEW LOOP


- Go back to: 97824 - or here for the top
300-61502B UNION COVE HWY 237


- Go back to: 97824 - or here for the top
60400-60599 WADE RD
62800-63599 WALLSINGER RD
60900-61099 WALTZ LOOP
69600-69799 WAPITI LN
900-1399 WATER ST
1200-1299 WELDON WAY
64700-64999 WOODELL LN