Zip Codes for Clarkson, NE 

We have 1 zip code, which includes directions and location information for Clarkson, Nebraska. We hope this information helps :)
The one zip code we have on record for Clarkson is: 68629 .


Zip Code 1:68629
for Clarkson in Nebraska.
Average Household Income for 68629 from IRS Returns: $62,138.33

Congressional District for 68629: 3101

View your Representative for zip code 68629.

Clarkson Zip code 68629 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
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Demographics for 68629
Land Acreage: 373593661
Water Acreage: 443070
Number of Houses: 644
Approximate Population: 1344
Male Population: 662
Female Population: 682
Pop. Under 10: 163
Pop. 10 to 19: 171
Pop. 20 to 29: 130
Pop. 30 to 39: 130
Pop. 40 to 49: 190
Pop. 50 to 59: 231
Pop. 60 to 69: 112
Pop. 70 to 79: 113
Pop 80 and up: 104

Skip to Roads in 68629 beginning with:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 B C E F G H K L M O P R S W

Streets (59) in zip code: 68629


- Go back to: 68629 - or here for the top
100-599 1ST ST


- Go back to: 68629 - or here for the top
100-499 2ND ST


- Go back to: 68629 - or here for the top
100-599 3RD ST


- Go back to: 68629 - or here for the top
100-399 4TH ST


- Go back to: 68629 - or here for the top
82200-82699 567 AVE
82200-82699 568 AVE
82200-82999 569 AVE
82500-83099 570 AVE
82200-83099 571 AVE
82200-83399 572 AVE
82900-82999 573 AVE
100-299 5TH ST


- Go back to: 68629 - or here for the top
100-599 6TH ST


- Go back to: 68629 - or here for the top
200-298 7TH ST


- Go back to: 68629 - or here for the top
56700-57199 822 RD
56600-57299 823 RD
56500-57299 824 RD
56600-57299 825 RD
56600-56919 826 RD
56900-57099 827 RD
57200-57299 829 RD
57000-57199 830 RD
57100-57299 831 RD
100-199 8TH ST


- Go back to: 68629 - or here for the top
100-899 BRYAN ST


- Go back to: 68629 - or here for the top
100-699 CHERRY ST
200-298 CZECH DR


- Go back to: 68629 - or here for the top
200-599 ELM ST


- Go back to: 68629 - or here for the top
200-299 FAJMON ST


- Go back to: 68629 - or here for the top


- Go back to: 68629 - or here for the top
56800-57099 HIGHWAY 32


- Go back to: 68629 - or here for the top
400-499 KUDRNA ST


- Go back to: 68629 - or here for the top
101-599 LINDEN ST


- Go back to: 68629 - or here for the top
100-699 MAPLE ST
1000-1099 MAPLE CREEK DR


- Go back to: 68629 - or here for the top
200-499 OAK ST


- Go back to: 68629 - or here for the top
100-899 PINE ST


- Go back to: 68629 - or here for the top
300-1299 ROAD
1500-2299 ROAD 10
1500-2399 ROAD 11
1600-1999 ROAD 12
1400-2499 ROAD 4
1400-2399 ROAD 5
1500-2499 ROAD 6
1500-2399 ROAD 7
1400-2499 ROAD 8
1500-2499 ROAD 9
300-1099 ROAD O
600-1199 ROAD P
300-1199 ROAD Q
400-1099 ROAD R
300-1199 ROAD T
700-2299 ROAD U
400-1199 ROAD V
300-1099 ROAD X


- Go back to: 68629 - or here for the top
100-299 SPRUCE ST
200-299 SUNRISE DR


- Go back to: 68629 - or here for the top