Zip Codes for Burney, CA 

We have 1 zip code, which includes directions and location information for Burney, California. We hope this information helps :)
The one zip code we have on record for Burney is: 96013 .


Zip Code 1:96013
for Burney in California.
Average Household Income for 96013 from IRS Returns: $52,746.43

Congressional District for 96013: 0601

View your Representative for zip code 96013.

Burney Zip code 96013 On Google Maps
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Demographics for 96013
Land Acreage: 595068978
Water Acreage: 7211209
Number of Houses: 2033
Approximate Population: 4212
Male Population: 2064
Female Population: 2148
Pop. Under 10: 552
Pop. 10 to 19: 515
Pop. 20 to 29: 394
Pop. 30 to 39: 449
Pop. 40 to 49: 543
Pop. 50 to 59: 672
Pop. 60 to 69: 596
Pop. 70 to 79: 312
Pop 80 and up: 179

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Streets (131) in zip code: 96013


- Go back to: 96013 - or here for the top
21700-21799 1ST ST


- Go back to: 96013 - or here for the top
21700-21899 2ND ST


- Go back to: 96013 - or here for the top
21700-21899 3RD ST


- Go back to: 96013 - or here for the top
37200-37299 APPLE ORCHARD LN
20100-20399 ARROWOOD ST
37200-37499 ASH AVE
20400-20499 AUBURY RIDGE RD


- Go back to: 96013 - or here for the top
37300-37499 BAILEY AVE
37200-37399 BAINBRIDGE DR
20000-20199 BARTEL ST
37200-37499 BIRCH AVE
36200-36599 BIRD FLAT RD
20800-24499 BLACK RANCH RD
37300-37499 BLUE BIRD LN
37100-37299 BUE WAY
20500-20699 BURNEY CT
20400-20499 BUTTE ST


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20300-20499 CAMAS RD
20000-20099 CAMBRIA CT
20300-20499 CARBERRY ST
37200-37299 CARSON ST
37300-37499 CASCADE AVE
26700-27499 CAYTON VALLEY RD
20200-20399 CEDAR ST
36200-37999 CLARK CREEK RD
20400-20499 CLUSTERWOOD CT
35700-35899 COLUMBINE WAY
20500-20699 COMMERCE WAY
37300-37499 CORNAZ DR
21600-21899 COTTONWOOD ST
20300-20399 CREWS WAY
37200-37499 CYPRESS AVE


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36300-36399 DORA WAY


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38000-38099 ELDERBERRY LN
20300-20399 ELM ST
37300-37499 ENTERPRISE DR
20400-20499 EPIGORDON DR
22000-22099 ESTES AVE


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21500-21699 FAIRFIELD ST
37400-37499 FELCH RD
20200-20399 FIR ST
20200-20299 FITZPATRIC WAY


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20300-20399 GALE LN
37000-37199 GALENA CIR
21500-21619B GARDEN LN
21800-21999 GOOSE CREEK RD
20200-20299 GOOSE VALLEY RD
20200-20399 GROGAN ST
37000-37099 GUNSMITH WAY


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37000-37099 HEARTH HOUSE LN
36800-36999 HOLLY AVE
20000-20699 HUDSON ST
37200-37399 HURON AVE


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20300-20499 IVAN MARX RD


- Go back to: 96013 - or here for the top
37400-37499 JUNIPER AVE


- Go back to: 96013 - or here for the top
20100-20199 KIRBY CT


- Go back to: 96013 - or here for the top
37000-37199 LASSEN ST
20200-20299 LAVA FLAT RD
22000-22199 LIPPENCOTT CT
20100-20199 LONG LEAF LN


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20500-20599 MACKINAC ST
20400-20499 MAPLE ST
20100-20299 MAPLELEAF ST
36000-36099 MARIPOSA WAY
20100-20499 MARQUETTE ST
20400-20599 MICHIGAN ST
20400-20799 MODOC ST
36500-36599 MOUNTAIN HOME RD
37200-37699 MOUNTAIN VIEW RD
20100-20199 MOWRY LN
20500-20599 MUSKEGON ST


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21500-21599 NAPA LN


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36900-36999 OAK ST
37300-37499 OAK VIEW ST
36500-36599 OLD HOME RD
20400-37299 ONTARIO AVE
36900-37099 ORCHARD WAY
21600-21799 OREGON ST


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36900-37299 PARK AVE
20200-20399 PATTON AVE
20000-20099 PERIDOT LN
37000-37099 PHELPS ST
20300-36899 PINE ST
20300-20499 PLUMAS ST
37200-37399 PONDEROSA AVE
20400-20499 POPLAR ST
38300-38399 PRESIDENTS WAY
38000-38099 PRIDEMORE DR


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20400-20499 QUEBEC ST


- Go back to: 96013 - or here for the top
38000-38099 RED BELL DR
38100-38299 ROBIN WAY
21900-21999 ROCKY RANCH RD
21800-21899 ROCKY RIDGE RD
20500-20799 ROFF WAY


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20400-20499 SAGINAW ST
21500-21699 SAINT HELENA ST
37100-37199 SANDY LN
37000-37299 SAPPHIRE RD
20600-20699 SENIOR CT
37100-37299 SERPENTINE LN
21700-21799 SHADOW LN
20400-20599 SHASTA ST
37000-37199 SISKIYOU ST
37400-37499 SNYDER WAY
21500-21599 SONOMA ST
35500-38399 STATE HIGHWAY 299
24300-25999 STATE HIGHWAY 89
38000-38099 STONEAGE DR
20100-20399 SUGAR PINE ST
36900-36999 SUMMIT LAKE RD
37100-37399 SUPERIOR AVE
36100-36199 SYRINGA RD


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20400-20599 TALL TIMBER ST
20000-20499 TAMARACK AVE
20300-20499 TIMBER DR
37300-37499 TIMBER HILL DR
37400-37599 TORONTO AVE
37000-37199 TRINITY ST


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21500-21799 VALLEJO ST
37200-37699 VEDDER RD
21500-21699 VIOLA ST


- Go back to: 96013 - or here for the top
21600-21699 WADES WAY
37000-37299 WASHBURN AVE
38000-38099 WHALEY DR
22000-22099 WIDGEON CT
20400-20499 WINNIPEG ST
36700-36899 WOODS AVE