Zip Codes for Brooker, FL 

We have 1 zip code, which includes directions and location information for Brooker, Florida. We hope this information helps :)
The one zip code we have on record for Brooker is: 32622 .


Zip Code 1:32622
for Brooker in Florida.
Average Household Income for 32622 from IRS Returns: $64,207.69

Congressional District for 32622: 1203

View your Representative for zip code 32622.

Brooker Zip code 32622 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
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Demographics for 32622
Land Acreage: 157649446
Water Acreage: 301694
Number of Houses: 597
Approximate Population: 1294
Male Population: 659
Female Population: 635
Pop. Under 10: 154
Pop. 10 to 19: 146
Pop. 20 to 29: 128
Pop. 30 to 39: 143
Pop. 40 to 49: 207
Pop. 50 to 59: 214
Pop. 60 to 69: 154
Pop. 70 to 79: 106
Pop 80 and up: 42

Skip to Roads in 32622 beginning with:
1 2 4 9 B C E G H K L M O P S T V W

Streets (104) in zip code: 32622


- Go back to: 32622 - or here for the top
10301-11199 103RD ST
10900-11499 105TH WAY
10200-18199 111TH ST
9900-10299 112TH AVE
6200-16850 113TH AVE
10000-17999 114TH ST
16100-16199 115TH ST
9700-9799 118 LN
9900-10199 118TH AVE
9500-16999 120TH ST
16000-16299 123RD AVE
16400-17499 124TH AVE
9400-17199 128TH AVE
18900-19099 133RD ROAD AVE
19100-19399 134TH AVE
19400-19499 135TH ST
9800-16498 136TH ST
16400-16799 137TH AVE
17000-17199 140TH ST
15500-17298 141ST AVE
10600-17599 142ND AVE
14200-17199 143RD AVE
16100-16799 144TH AVE
10400-11299 147TH AVE
21800-23499 14TH TER
16700-17299 150TH ST
14200-15799 151ST AVE
16100-16999 152ND AVE
15300-16298 154TH LN
13600-15599 155TH AVE
11500-11599 157TH AVE
23000-23699 15TH TER
11900-11999 160TH AVE
12900-16899 161ST ST
11300-14999 162ND ST
11600-14299 163RD AVE
14400-14799 164TH ST
12400-14798 166TH ST
10800-13999 167TH ST
13200-14799 168TH ST
13500-14199 170TH ST
12500-12799 171ST ST
14400-14899 172ND AVE
14200-14799 173RD ST
12100-12399 174TH ST
12200-13899 175TH ST
13200-13499 178TH ST
13200-14599 179TH ST
11600-12099 180TH AVE
13200-13399 185TH ST
13200-13599 191ST AVE
13000-13399 194TH AVE
19200-19299 195TH AVE
11300-11699 196TH AVE
23000-23699 19TH TER


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1700-13899 206TH AVE
2000-2499 208TH LN
12000-12399 209TH AVE
20300-20899 20TH TER
1700-2299 214TH LN
13500-13899 215TH LN
1-1699 218TH AVE
1100-3399 222ND AVE
1200-1499 223RD LN
20300-20899 22ND TER
1400-2399 230TH PL
19800-20099 27TH TER
10000-21899 29TH TER


- Go back to: 32622 - or here for the top
21900-22099 4TH CT


- Go back to: 32622 - or here for the top
11400-12199 92ND AVE
12000-12199 98TH WAY


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11800-12099 BLOXHAM ST
11800-17299 BRADFORD AVE


- Go back to: 32622 - or here for the top
11700-12199 CEDAR DR
18200-18999 CHARLOTTE AVE
16800-16999 CHERRY ST
11500-11699 COLSON ST
12100-23999 COUNTY ROAD 18
12001-17399 COUNTY ROAD 231
13700-19099 COUNTY ROAD 235
12100-12299 COUNTY ROAD 235A
19000-21299 COUNTY ROAD 237


- Go back to: 32622 - or here for the top
11500-11899 EAST ST
11800-11999 ELM ST


- Go back to: 32622 - or here for the top
11500-11699 GREEN ST


- Go back to: 32622 - or here for the top
17300-17499 HARRELL ST


- Go back to: 32622 - or here for the top
11600-11699 KLIENMAN DR


- Go back to: 32622 - or here for the top
17500-17699 LEWIS DR
11700-11799 LINE ST


- Go back to: 32622 - or here for the top
11800-11999 MAPLE ST
17100-17499 MELVIN ST
17000-17499 MICHIGAN AVE


- Go back to: 32622 - or here for the top
17000-19099 OLIVE AVE


- Go back to: 32622 - or here for the top
11500-11699 PARKER ST
17300-17499 PINHOLSTER ST


- Go back to: 32622 - or here for the top
17000-17199 SCHOOL ST
11300-15799 STATE ROAD 231
1750-24099 STATE ROAD 235


- Go back to: 32622 - or here for the top
17200-17399 TETSTONE AVE


- Go back to: 32622 - or here for the top
35901-35999 VERADINC
11500-11699 VICTOR ST


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11700-18799 WARD ST