Zip Codes for Briggsdale, CO 

We have 1 zip code, which includes directions and location information for Briggsdale, Colorado. We hope this information helps :)
The one zip code we have on record for Briggsdale is: 80611 .


Zip Code 1:80611
for Briggsdale in Colorado.
Average Household Income for 80611 from IRS Returns: $68,108.57

Congressional District for 80611: 0804

View your Representative for zip code 80611.

Briggsdale Zip code 80611 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
Get mobile directions from approximate current location:

Demographics for 80611
Land Acreage: 996144776
Water Acreage: 524716
Number of Houses: 294
Approximate Population: 659
Male Population: 337
Female Population: 322
Pop. Under 10: 105
Pop. 10 to 19: 95
Pop. 20 to 29: 49
Pop. 30 to 39: 73
Pop. 40 to 49: 109
Pop. 50 to 59: 110
Pop. 60 to 69: 86
Pop. 70 to 79: 20
Pop 80 and up: 12

Skip to Roads in 80611 beginning with:
4 C G H K L M P

Streets (48) in zip code: 80611


- Go back to: 80611 - or here for the top
101-298 4TH AVE


- Go back to: 80611 - or here for the top
37001-47299 COUNTY ROAD 100
38000-38999 COUNTY ROAD 101
36001-36999 COUNTY ROAD 102
41000-43998 COUNTY ROAD 105
37001-41999 COUNTY ROAD 106
37001-37999 COUNTY ROAD 107
36001-37998 COUNTY ROAD 110
42000-42999 COUNTY ROAD 66
34001-45999 COUNTY ROAD 68
35000-43998 COUNTY ROAD 69
40000-45999 COUNTY ROAD 70
39400-44999 COUNTY ROAD 71
51001-52999 COUNTY ROAD 73
34000-50999 COUNTY ROAD 74
49001-49999 COUNTY ROAD 75
42001-51998 COUNTY ROAD 76
44000-48999 COUNTY ROAD 77
52000-53999 COUNTY ROAD 78
34000-53799 COUNTY ROAD 79
33401-45998 COUNTY ROAD 80
35001-45999 COUNTY ROAD 81
37001-37199 COUNTY ROAD 82
33000-49999 COUNTY ROAD 83
39000-46999 COUNTY ROAD 84
31000-40999 COUNTY ROAD 85
41000-49998 COUNTY ROAD 86
36000-36998 COUNTY ROAD 87
46001-46999 COUNTY ROAD 88
38600-38699 COUNTY ROAD 88.5
44000-48998 COUNTY ROAD 89
43000-43999 COUNTY ROAD 92
33001-39999 COUNTY ROAD 93
44901-44999 COUNTY ROAD 94
38000-47999 COUNTY ROAD 95
47000-49998 COUNTY ROAD 96
43001-43999 COUNTY ROAD 97
46901-46999 COUNTY ROAD 98
40000-46999 COUNTY ROAD 99


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- Go back to: 80611 - or here for the top
33001-45999 HIGHWAY 14
36000-43999 HIGHWAY 392


- Go back to: 80611 - or here for the top
82400-82498 KINTEREL


- Go back to: 80611 - or here for the top
101-499 LEE ST
200-499 LESLIE ST


- Go back to: 80611 - or here for the top
1-499 MAIN ST


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