Zip Codes for Austin, MN 

We have 1 zip code, which includes directions and location information for Austin, Minnesota. We hope this information helps :)
The one zip code we have on record for Austin is: 55912 .


Zip Code 1:55912
for Austin in Minnesota.
Average Household Income for 55912 from IRS Returns: $65,005.77

Congressional District for 55912: 2701

View your Representative for zip code 55912.

Austin Zip code 55912 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
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Demographics for 55912
Land Acreage: 487190789
Water Acreage: 962938
Number of Houses: 12519
Approximate Population: 28483
Male Population: 14101
Female Population: 14382
Pop. Under 10: 4160
Pop. 10 to 19: 3731
Pop. 20 to 29: 3633
Pop. 30 to 39: 3301
Pop. 40 to 49: 3420
Pop. 50 to 59: 3674
Pop. 60 to 69: 2695
Pop. 70 to 79: 1884
Pop 80 and up: 1985

Skip to Roads in 55912 beginning with:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 B C G H M O P R S T U

Streets (172) in zip code: 55912


- Go back to: 55912 - or here for the top
100-4799 10TH AVE
100-3799 11TH AVE
100-4299 12TH AVE
100-4299 13TH ST
50000-54799 140TH ST
90800-90899 145TH ST
100-3999 14TH AVE
51400-56699 150TH ST
52600-53099 152ND ST
50600-51599 155TH ST
200-3098 15TH AVE
50200-57399 160TH ST
52700-53199 162ND ST
100-2999 16TH AVE
50600-90499 170TH ST
52700-86999 173RD ST
53900-53999 174TH ST
51300-56799 175TH ST
101-2999 17TH DR
53600-88199 180TH ST
53800-53899 184TH ST
88400-90599 185TH ST
54100-54299 187TH ST
100-2299 18TH DR
56000-56799 190TH ST
53700-53899 194TH ST
50200-90499 195TH ST
100-1899 19TH ST
100-1710 1/2 1ST AVE


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50200-90599 205TH ST
100-4999 20TH ST
89500-89599 210TH ST
56200-58499 215TH ST
63900-64499 218TH ST
56000-56099 219TH ST
100-1999 21ST ST
21964-63799 220TH ST
58500-58699 221ST ST
57000-57399 222ND ST
57000-57199 225TH ST
57000-57799 227TH ST
100-2398 22ND ST
60800-90399 230TH ST
56000-56599 235TH ST
53600-54799 236TH ST
54000-54799 237TH ST
54000-54299 238TH ST
500-1299 23RD ST
50000-90999 240TH ST
53100-54099 241ST ST
53100-53199 242ND ST
52000-52999 243RD ST
54000-54499 244TH ST
54600-56899 245TH ST
100-1699 24TH ST
50100-52599 250TH ST
88900-88999 253RD ST
53000-53099 254TH ST
52300-87699 255TH ST
88000-88399 258TH ST
100-700F 25TH ST
56000-90899 260TH ST
50100-53899 262ND ST
87100-88299 265TH ST
600-1698 26TH ST
50500-90899 270TH ST
90200-90599 273RD ST
50200-87599 275TH ST
101-1699 27TH DR
56400-56699 280TH ST
53200-55299 285TH ST
200-2999 28TH ST
50000-90699 290TH ST
50100-53899 295TH ST
200-2899 29TH ST
100-1698A 2ND AVE


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54000-56799 300TH ST
87900-90399 305TH ST
53700-53799 306TH ST
500-1599 30TH AVE
201-2899 31ST ST
500-599 32ND AVE
500-1499 33RD ST
400-1399 34TH ST
200-399 35TH ST
200-1499 36TH ST
100-799 37TH ST
600-899 38TH AVE
1400-1599 39TH AVE
100-120 1/2 3RD AVE


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100-699 40TH ST
100-1799 43RD ST
900-999 45TH DR
100-3899 4TH AVE


- Go back to: 55912 - or here for the top
14500-16799 505TH AVE
17000-27799 510TH AVE
23500-23799 513TH AVE
18400-26299 515TH AVE
15700-24699 520TH AVE
13600-30199 525TH AVE
25400-25499 529TH AVE
17200-17299 533RD AVE
24000-24299 534TH AVE
13400-29199 535TH AVE
17900-18199 536TH AVE
19300-19399 537TH AVE
17900-30399 538TH AVE
15200-30299 540TH AVE
23500-24299 542ND AVE
19300-24599 546TH AVE
24000-26399 547TH AVE
24100-24199 548TH AVE
27301-30099 550TH AVE
22800-26399 555TH AVE
16300-29399 560TH AVE
21900-56499 565TH AVE
22000-22099 566TH AVE
14900-29999 570TH AVE
21800-21999 571ST AVE
22000-22799 572ND AVE
19700-21099 575TH AVE
22400-26999 580TH AVE
21800-21999 581ST AVE
21900-21999 582ND AVE
22000-22099 585TH AVE
22000-22099 586TH AVE
101-807 1/2 5TH AVE


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21300-23899 600TH AVE
21800-23299 610TH AVE
22700-22799 620TH AVE
21600-22999 630TH AVE
22200-22299 640TH AVE
100-3799 6TH AVE


- Go back to: 55912 - or here for the top
101-3099 7TH AVE


- Go back to: 55912 - or here for the top
18000-18099 860TH AVE
25200-25299 866TH AVE
25000-25099 867TH AVE
17700-25999 870TH AVE
28900-30599 872ND AVE
23201-28699 875TH AVE
16700-30199 880TH AVE
23900-26199 885TH AVE
16800-31099 890TH AVE
16900-16999 897TH AVE
100-2999 8TH AVE


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19000-30799 900TH AVE
23000-23999 902ND AVE
100-3599 9TH AVE


- Go back to: 55912 - or here for the top
100-298 BROADWAY
1901-2101D BURR OAK DR
300-399 BUTLER DR


- Go back to: 55912 - or here for the top
100-299 CLINTON ST
90100-90799 COUNTY ROAD 46


- Go back to: 55912 - or here for the top
100-199 GRAHAM ST


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- Go back to: 55912 - or here for the top
101-323 1/2 MAIN ST
101-199 MAPLE AVE


- Go back to: 55912 - or here for the top
1900-2104D OAK TREE LN
100-4199 OAKLAND AVE


- Go back to: 55912 - or here for the top
101-299 PARK AVE


- Go back to: 55912 - or here for the top
49N-49N RR5 BRM


- Go back to: 55912 - or here for the top
1937-1937 SPAM BLVD
13300-19399 STATE HIGHWAY 105
50000-90799 STATE HIGHWAY 251
21400-23699 STATE HIGHWAY 56


- Go back to: 55912 - or here for the top
100-399 TAYLOR AVE


- Go back to: 55912 - or here for the top
14200-29699 US HIGHWAY 218