Zip Codes for Anthony, FL 

We have 1 zip code, which includes directions and location information for Anthony, Florida. We hope this information helps :)
The one zip code we have on record for Anthony is: 32617 .


Zip Code 1:32617
for Anthony in Florida.
Average Household Income for 32617 from IRS Returns: $51,431.68

Congressional District for 32617: 1203

View your Representative for zip code 32617.

Anthony Zip code 32617 On Google Maps
Typically includes the zip code's boundary line, nearby restaurants, gas stations, and other things to do.
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Demographics for 32617
Land Acreage: 76539050
Water Acreage: 6287776
Number of Houses: 1796
Approximate Population: 4109
Male Population: 2045
Female Population: 2064
Pop. Under 10: 461
Pop. 10 to 19: 518
Pop. 20 to 29: 386
Pop. 30 to 39: 408
Pop. 40 to 49: 651
Pop. 50 to 59: 686
Pop. 60 to 69: 564
Pop. 70 to 79: 298
Pop 80 and up: 137

Skip to Roads in 32617 beginning with:
1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 G H J P

Streets (92) in zip code: 32617


- Go back to: 32617 - or here for the top
1400-3599 100TH ST
2300-4099 102ND LN
500-5099 105TH LN
2900-3599 106TH ST
3600-4199 107TH PL
3200-3599 107TH STREET RD
3600-3999 108TH LN
1400-9999 110TH ST
1000-1399 111TH LN
4700-5599 111TH LANE RD
3600-4799 112TH LN
1400-1599 114TH STREET RD
1400-3599 120TH ST
3600-3999 121ST LN
3000-4599 125TH ST
1700-1999 126TH PL
1800-4699 127TH PL
1800-1999 128TH ST
1800-1899 129TH PL
4700-5299 129TH PLACE RD
4100-4499 131ST LN
3000-5299 132ND PL
3600-3799 133RD ST
4700-4999 134TH PL
2500-4199 135TH ST
4900-5299 136TH PL
4100-4499 137TH ST
3350-4599 138TH PL
4100-4499 139TH LN
3700-4699 140TH PL
3900-4699 142ND PL
11500-12599 14TH AVE
8600-9899 16TH TER
9000-9099 17TH CT
12800-12999 18TH TER
9500-9699 19TH CT


- Go back to: 32617 - or here for the top
8600-12899 20TH TER
2000-10599 20TH TERRACE RD
9100-14499 21ST AVE
9100-9999 22ND CT
9700-10599 23RD CT
9700-9799 24TH AVE
9200-12999 25TH AVE
9200-9499 26TH CT
7800-7899 26TH TER RD
7700-9999 27TH TER
9600-9699 28TH AVE
9700-10599 29TH AVE


- Go back to: 32617 - or here for the top
9100-13499 30TH CT
8600-13599 32ND CT
8001-13499 33RD AVE
13200-13499 34TH CT
9100-9299 34TH AVENUE RD
7700-12999 36TH AVE
8400-8598 36TH AVENUE RD
9100-9299 37TH AVE
9200-14099 38TH AVE
13000-13599 39TH TER


- Go back to: 32617 - or here for the top
14000-14299 40TH CT
7700-14099 41ST TER
9600-14399 42ND TER
14200-14399 43RD AVE
11000-13699 44TH CT
12200-13999 45TH AVE
10500-14599 47TH AVE
13200-13599 49TH TER


- Go back to: 32617 - or here for the top
11000-11999 50TH TER
11000-11299 51ST AVE
10800-13399 52ND CT
11000-11999 53RD CT
11000-11999 54TH TER
11000-11199 55TH AVE
11000-11999 56TH CT
7200-9199 58TH AVE


- Go back to: 32617 - or here for the top
3100-3299 72ND PL


- Go back to: 32617 - or here for the top
1600-4399 86TH LN
2000-2199 89TH ST


- Go back to: 32617 - or here for the top
1600-4499 90TH PL
5800-8399 90TH STREET RD
1600-1999 91ST PL
2100-9299 92ND PL
2100-2399 93RD LN
1400-3899 95TH ST
2200-2599 96TH LN
1200-5799 97TH STREET RD
1800-3099 98TH ST
2000-9999 99TH LN


- Go back to: 32617 - or here for the top


- Go back to: 32617 - or here for the top
1951-4999 HIGHWAY 329
21801-21899 HOLDERAD AVE


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